High risk of skin cancer in every fifth child

High risk of skin cancer in every fifth child / Health News

For every fifth kindergartner, increased skin cancer risk due to sunburn


According to a recent survey by the European Skin Cancer Foundation „European Skin Cancer Foundation“ (ESCF) one in five kindergarten children has already had a sunburn once. This increases the risk of developing skin cancer later in life. Therefore, the ESCF supports as part of the nationwide awareness campaign „Do not let yourself be roasted“ the kindergarten project „SunPass - healthy sun-fun for children“ together with the German Cancer Society (DKG) and the state cancer corporations to provide targeted information on the early protection against skin cancer. Parents are too careless with the topic „Increased risk of skin cancer from sunburn“ around?

According to the survey results, many parents seem to underestimate the danger of aggressive UV radiation. Because every sunburn increases the risk of developing skin cancer later. For the survey of the skin cancer foundation 3,400 parents were interviewed. The shocking result: every fifth kindergarten child had a sunburn at least once. For Professor Eggert Stockfleth, chairman of the ESCF, there is an urgent need for action, as skin cancer „Dermatologists would diagnose around 220,000 new cases every year.

Children who often have sunburn would therefore have a significantly increased risk of skin cancer. „Children's skin is particularly at risk. This skin is still very sensitive and does not have natural mechanisms to protect against UV radiation“, explains Stockfleth. „Proper sun protection must therefore start at the earliest age.“ But if you believe the survey, parents seem far too careless in dealing with the issue of skin cancer prevention. According to this, only 14 percent of parents surveyed put their caps on when playing outdoors. Only eight percent of survey respondents said they were aware of sun-protective clothing in their child.

Too thick „sun account“ can lead to skin cancer
Stockfleth reports that every person is a lifelong „sun account“ lead: „They pay for their sunshine account, but they can never take off again. "For some years, the population would still develop a relatively unknown skin cancer, even with some 220,000 new cases a year, in contrast to the more dangerous black skin cancer - unknown To clarify about light skin cancer, launched last Thursday, the nationwide action campaign „Let the ESCF and the DKG not only point to the free skin cancer screening from the age of 35 years in a biennial rhythm, which has so far taken about 22 million Germans in. On the other hand, the population for the risk to In around 100 cities, dermatological practices and info stands will be used to design material on the topic.

In addition, the project was „SunPass - healthy sun-fun for children“ launched by the ESCF in cooperation with the DKG and the state cancer societies, which aims to educate on the protection against skin cancer in childhood. Kindergartens that have successfully participated in a sunscreen education receive the award „Sunscreen Kindergarten“. So far, 70 awards have been awarded. 60 more will follow in the coming months, as the ESCF informs on its website.

Rising numbers of new cases of skin cancer
Experts continue to expect rising numbers of annual new cases of skin cancer. Stockfleth explains that about seven to eight percent more new cases are added each year. „This will continue for the next 20 years, "says the expert In his view, the cause lies mainly in the travel habits of the German citizens Today, especially the generation of 50-year-olds affected, the first time frequent trips in the South would do.

„Sunscreen is no longer just a summer theme“, stresses Stockfleth. „Families increasingly travel to southern countries in the winter or travel to the mountains for skiing. The knowledge about sun protection is therefore part of every journey into the sun, no matter what the season.“ (Ag)

Read about:
UVA radiation also causes skin cancer
Skin cancer risk increases due to high blood pressure
Risk of skin cancer is often underestimated
White skin cancer is rapidly increasing
Dangerous black skin cancer
Sunscreen does not protect against skin cancer

Picture credits: Alexandra Bucurescu