High nut consumption significantly increases the survival rate of prostate cancer

High nut consumption significantly increases the survival rate of prostate cancer / Health News
Nuts have a pleasing effect on the progression of prostate cancer
The consumption of nuts is associated with numerous health benefits. US scientists at Harvard Medical School have now found that regular nut consumption also has a surprisingly significant impact on prostate cancer survivor survival. The researchers published their findings in the journal "British Journal of Cancer" (BJC). http://www.nature.com/bjc/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/bjc2016181a.html

Nuts generally contain a lot of protein, healthy unsaturated fats and fiber. Their consumption can help prevent weight gain and lower LDL cholesterol levels and blood pressure, which is a preventative measure against cardiovascular disease, according to Harvard Medical School. Patients with prostate cancer also showed a significantly improved chance of survival in the current study if they took at least five servings of nuts per week (each weighing just under 30 grams). "Frequent consumption of nuts after diagnosis was associated with significantly reduced overall mortality," the researchers report.

Researchers at Havard Medical School come to the conclusion that consuming five servings of nuts per week significantly increases the chances of survival in prostate cancer. (Image: zb89v / fotolia.com)

No connection with the disease risk
In the current study, the research team at Harvard Medical School investigated how nut consumption affects the incidence and survival of prostate cancer. For this purpose, they evaluated the data of 47,299 men who were observed over a period of 26 years. A total of 6,810 subjects developed prostate cancer. With regard to the probability of a prostate cancer disease, however, the researchers were unable to establish a connection with the nut consumption that was also determined. However, it was found that in existing prostate cancer diagnosis of nut consumption significantly increased the chance of survival.

Overall mortality reduced by 34 percent
Prostate cancer patients who consumed a serving of nuts five or more times per week post-diagnosis showed significantly lower overall mortality, according to US scientists. Total mortality was 34 percent lower than those who ate nuts less than once a month. The benefits are valid for all nuts such as walnuts, pecans, almonds and pistachios, but also for peanuts, which are not technically to the nuts, but to the legumes.

Nuts a healthy enrichment of the diet
Overall, many studies in recent years suggest that nuts are a healthy nutritional supplement that we should consume more. For example, walnuts have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels, nuts reduce diabetes risk and generally reduce the risk of death. The current study suggests that nuts also have a very positive effect on the progression of prostate cancer. In a next step, it would therefore be necessary to investigate which ingredients of the nuts this effect could go back to, if appropriate, then to use corresponding active ingredients for the therapy. (Fp)