High pollution levels in children's toys

High pollution levels in children's toys / Health News

High levels of pollution in children's toys: Consumer advocates demand stricter guidelines for toys.


The pollutant load on many children's toys is too high, and so the federal government has threatened to go it alone in setting limit values ​​if the EU does not adopt stricter guidelines for toy safety.

„If Europe does not act until 2013, we have to act single-handedly“, explained the Federal Consumer Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) to the Berliner „Tagesspiegel“. The Federal Ministry of Economics also said that the Federal Government would, if need be, set its own stricter national limit values ​​if the necessary improvements at EU level were not achieved in a timely manner. Although the EU is currently advising on a reform of the EU Toys Directive, the new limit values ​​for the loading of heavy metal toys planned from 2013 are not sufficient, it was said by the federal government. For example, Germany is pushing for much stricter limits than previously provided for in the directive.

Environmental scientist: limit values ​​for carcinogenic hydrocarbons far too high
The renowned environmental scientist and head of the Institute of Environmental Chemistry at Leuphana University, Klaus Kümmerer, also concludes that children's toys in Germany are far too heavily contaminated with hazardous pollutants and therefore calls for stricter guidelines for toys. For example, the limit values ​​for carcinogenic hydrocarbons and heavy metals are far too high in the EU directive on safety requirements for toys, emphasized Mr Kemmerer. „The permissible quantities of both polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy metals are well above the acceptable level“, criticized the expert. For children, the sometimes massive PAH burdens pose considerable health risks, which correspond to the consumption of 40 cigarettes, explained Kümmerer. The carcinogenic hydrocarbons often show their effect only after decades, the environmental scientist continues. Andreas Hensel, President of the Federal Institute for Risk Research (BfR), also disagrees with the previous guidelines on toy safety and pleaded for a total ban on cadmium, lead and arsenic in toys. Because lead harms the brain development of the children and cadmium lead to long-term damage, so that go with the contact significant health risks. „The children do not get acutely ill, but at age 50, they may get kidney cancer“, said the president of the BfR.

Therefore, consumers should be particularly attentive when buying children's toys, according to the unanimous recommendation of the experts. Striking or strongly smelling toys, should not be better bought, said Andreas Hensel. at „very colorful“ Toys should also be cautious and ask consumers about the substances used. In addition, Stiftung Warentest has advised to completely dispense with lacquered (wooden) toys for toddlers and to use only dolls made of fabric. Unproblematic and recommendable toys with a bio-seal can be considered. However, these are usually much more expensive and so can be worth a walk into nature as an alternative. With the aid of numerous crafting instructions, acorns, sticks, leaves and chestnuts can be used to create and produce toys that are particularly suitable for toddlers. (Fp)

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Picture credits: CFalk