High risks An unborn child kicks hole in the uterus

High risks An unborn child kicks hole in the uterus / Health News

Leg of child pierces uterine wall

The story of a woman from southern China sounds incredible: in the 35th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother wakes up with stomach ache. As the symptoms get worse, sweats and pulse turfs appear, she comes to the clinic. In the hospital then the shock - on the ultrasound image can be seen that a leg of her unborn child had passed through the uterine wall and now stuck in the abdominal cavity of the woman. For mother and child, this meant acute danger to life, but the doctors were able to save the lives of both by an emergency Caesarean section.

Woman comes to the emergency room with severe pain

A nightmare for every expectant mother: A 35-week pregnant woman from southern China woke up in the morning with a stomachache, but she did not think much, but assumed a harmless stomach upset. However, the complaints became more and more, moreover broke out in the only known as "Ms. Zhang" woman violently cold sweat and the pulse began to race. At 10 in the morning she finally came to the emergency department of the Beijing University Hospital in Shenzhen, the Sun reports, citing the hospital.

A ruptured uterus as in the case of the woman from southern China occurs only in very rare cases. (Image: Dan Race / fotolia.com)

Legs of the child are stuck

There, the woman experienced a shock: for the complaints were not caused by an upset stomach, but by her unborn child, who had kicked a hole in the uterine wall with his foot.

The woman complained of extreme pain when she arrived at the clinic and the doctors found problems with her blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. The specialists initially suspected that the uterus of the heavily pregnant patient might have torn and carried out an ultrasound examination. It was revealed that the leg of the fetus "kicked" the uterine wall into the mother's abdominal cavity and pinched the child's thighs, according to the newspaper.

Doctors perform emergency cesarean section

The doctors decided to carry out an emergency C-section immediately, although the actual delivery date would have been barely a month later. But they could take no chances, fearing that the woman would suffer a dangerous internal bleeding and could be in shock. For the unborn baby, there was a risk of life-threatening infection from the broken uterine wall.

Surgeons Zhang Lei, Zhang Yanping and Zhong Shilin delivered the baby in just ten minutes, fearing it could have been stillborn. They discovered blood in the mother's stomach and a 7 cm "break" in her uterine wall. The intervention of the doctors was luckily enough in time, according to the report of the doctors mother and daughter, after the traumatic arrival of the little ones in the world, today well.

Weak point due to old scar

A rupture of the uterus during pregnancy is a very rare complication, but can be life threatening. The woman's medical history has revealed that she had undergone surgery to remove benign uterine fibroids (fibroids) in 2016. As a result, she had an old wound scar in her uterine wall that had left a weak spot. Women should therefore wait at least one year after completing such an operation until they become pregnant. (No)