High ozone levels can damage the heart

High ozone levels can damage the heart / Health News

Study: Longer high ozone levels can damage the heart and circulation.

(22.07.2010) Due to the persistent heat, ozone levels, especially in the cities, repeatedly reach peak values. People who are sensitive to it often suffer from headache, irritable cough, sore throat and dizziness. If the high ozone levels persist, the heart and circulation can also be damaged.

Scientists at Kingsville's US College of Pharmacy have found from a study that long-lasting high levels of ozone can negatively impact human health. Since it is not possible for researchers to divide the symptomatic symptoms into causes such as heat, pollution and ozone, only laboratory tests can help to differentiate the symptoms according to their causes. Over the course of the study, the researchers exposed rats to ozone concentrations eight hours daily for several weeks. The result: The rats were found to have greatly elevated levels of signaling material in the heart, which is associated with inflammatory processes and the death of cells.

Ozone is an important part of our earth. It protects the earth's atmosphere from the harmful UV rays of the sun. The ozone forms is in 15 to 50 kilometers height. But in summer, so-called "ground-level ozone" is formed, which is formed by knitting oxides. Ground level ozone can be detrimental to health, depending on how high the ozone levels are. Especially children and the elderly suffer from dizziness, headache and respiratory distress when warning and threshold values ​​are reached. Values ​​from 180 on are considered to be of concern to health µg / m3. The general alarm threshold for all people is 240 micrograms per cubic meter of air. in the last few days at least the warning values ​​of 180 µg / m3 reached again and again in some regions.

In the investigations, the researchers divided a total of 40 rats into four groups of equal size. The first group was exposed to an ozone concentration of 0.8 ppm for 28 days at 8 hours a day. The second group was exposed to a total ozone concentration of 0.8 ppm for a total of 56 days under the same conditions. The other two groups served as so-called "control groups" and were exposed to normal air for eight hours each for 28 and 56 days.

Based on the investigation, it could be stated that the animals, which were exposed to an increased ozone concentration for 28 and 56 days respectively, displayed significantly elevated levels of so-called tumor necrosis factor alpha at the heart. These values ​​indicate inflammation of the heart. If this factor occurs for a longer time, a decrease in the protein "caveolin-1" is observed. The protein "caveolin-1" protects the heart by neutralizing messenger substances that force the cells to die. These results have shown that persistent high levels of ozone can cause heart damage in humans as well.

But how can you protect yourself? Children should not play unnecessarily in the hot midday sun at high temperatures. Extensive activities such as gardening or sports should be postponed to the mornings or evenings, as the ozone pollution decreases as the heat subsides. Current levels of ozone pollution can be read on the Internet on the websites of the state ministries of health. (Sb)

Also read:
Health: Ozone levels continue to rise
Increased ozone levels endanger your health
Heat: Drink enough in the summer
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Image: Klaus Steves.