High neonatal mortality 2.6 million babies die within the first month

High neonatal mortality 2.6 million babies die within the first month / Health News

2.6 million babies in the world do not even survive their first month

Last year German experts reported that around one in four girls born today will live to be more than 100 years old. In many other countries of the world, however, neither girls nor boys have such a high life expectancy. Around 2.6 million newborns die every year worldwide, even in the first month, reports the United Nations Children's Fund.

Alarmingly many babies die for avoidable reasons

The number of babies still worldwide is dying out for most avoidable reasons - especially in the poorest countries, the UN Children's Fund UNICEF warns in its latest report "Every Child Alive. The Urgent Need to End Newborn Deaths ". Babies in Japan, Iceland or Singapore therefore have the best chance of survival. The worst chances are newborns in Pakistan, the Central African Republic and Afghanistan.

In a recent report on newborn mortality, the UNICEF children's aid agency points out that an alarming number of babies worldwide still die for avoidable reasons. (Image: bevisphoto / fotolia.com)

No major progress in lowering neonatal mortality

"While we have managed to halve child mortality over the past quarter century, unfortunately, we have not made the same progress in reducing neonatal mortality," UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore said in a statement.

"Considering that the majority of these cases would be avoidable, it is clear that the world is failing to protect the poorest babies."

The report shows that eight out of ten countries have the highest mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa, where pregnant women are often poorly cared for by poverty, conflict and weak institutions.

If all countries succeed in reducing neonatal mortality to the average level of industrialized countries by 2030, 16 million lives could be saved.

Deaths of babies could be avoided

For example, in the fight against diseases such as measles or diarrhea, infant mortality among girls and boys under the age of five is falling, as the children's charity writes.

However, progress in childcare provision is slower. That is why the proportion of newborns who are not celebrating their fifth birthday has been rising for years.

Over 80 percent of babies' deaths (within the first 28 days) are a result of premature birth, birth complications, or infections such as pneumonia or sepsis.

According to UNICEF, they could be avoided if women are cared for at birth by well-trained midwives and proven measures such as clean water, disinfectants, breastfeeding and skin contact immediately after birth and good nutrition are used.

Above all, the pneumonia is dangerous to the little ones: Worldwide, two children per minute of pneumonia, said the children's aid Save the Children last year.

"Pneumonia is causing more deaths in children worldwide than any other disease - more than malaria, diarrhea and measles combined," the experts wrote in a Fact Sheet on their report "Fighting for Breath"..

Worldwide campaign "Every Child Alive"

UNICEF launches the "Every Child Alive" global campaign this month to demand and implement solutions to protect babies.

With the campaign, the children's charity is urging governments, health care providers, donors, the private sector, families and businesses to work for the survival of all children by:

A sufficient number of doctors, nurses and midwives with expertise in antenatal care and birth attendance must be recruited, trained and managed.

Every mother and baby must be within easy reach of a clean, functioning health center that has water, soap, and electricity.

Providing mothers and babies with medicines and medical equipment for a healthy start in life must be a top priority.

Adolescent girls, women and families need to be empowered to seek and receive good health care.

"Every year, 2.6 million babies in the world do not even survive their first month. One million of them die on the day of their birth, "said UNICEF Executive Director Fore.

"We know that we can save most of these babies through affordable and good solutions. Just a few small steps from all of us can help secure the first steps in the lives of these little people. "(Ad)