High risk of cold due to mild winter

High risk of cold due to mild winter / Health News

Mild winter increases the risk of cold


Winter has been extremely mild this year. The currently relatively warm weather is driving many outdoors. But sunbathing in airy clothes can quickly end in a cold. If the winter is mild, there is an increased risk of having a flu infection. However, most people believe that "cold winter days produce more colds".

Cold is underestimated
This year, the winter has been particularly mild. Some people are already feeling springy because of the relatively warm temperatures. But those who are lured into the open air by the temperatures in the double-digit range, should have a jacket in the luggage, because it quickly gets fresh in the evening. Light clothing increases the susceptibility to colds. And even sunbathing in airy clothes can quickly end up with a cold.„The problem is that you underestimate the cold“, so Thomas Aßmann of the German family doctors association. As the specialist in internal medicine in Lindlar near Cologne warns, the risk of droplet infection is especially great in large crowds such as the upcoming carnival celebrations.

Nature is too early this year
And even for those who suffer from pollen allergy and hay fever this year, their handkerchiefs are ready to be ready sooner, because the first pollen of the early flowering already fly. Aßmann warns: „Nature is three to six weeks early this year, so it can now come to the first allergic reactions.“ The winter months have been "warmer for several years now and that's why the pollen always fly earlier". Those affected are advised not to stay in the forest or park unnecessarily long, where many pollens are on the way.

Sunlight against springtime fatigue
Aßmann also advises those who do not struggle with pollen to "stay in the sun a lot to counteract the spring fatigue". Because the responsible vitamin D is not only absorbed through the food, but also formed by the body in direct sunlight on the skin. The vitamin D reserves of the body are exhausted after the winter months and that makes you tired. In addition, the hormone balance plays a role. In winter, the wax hormone serotonin is missing, but the melatonin level is high. If the body can fill up with daylight, it releases more serotonin. In order to cope better with the spring fatigue, in the morning a changing shower for cycle activation and rubbing with a brush is recommended in natural healing. (Sb)