High levels of inflammation in pregnancy pose a risk to the baby

High levels of inflammation in pregnancy pose a risk to the baby / Health News
What are the consequences of increased levels of inflammation during pregnancy??
The levels of inflammation may be increased during pregnancy due to various causes such as infections or stress. The impact this has on the unborn child was examined in a joint study by the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the University of California Irvine. According to this, changes in the children's brain are threatened, which are also associated with an increased risk of psychiatric illnesses.

In their current study, the scientists were able to prove "that changes in the brain of the unborn child can arise due to increased inflammatory values ​​during pregnancy", which in turn can increase the risk of developing psychiatric illnesses, reports the Berlin Charité. In particular, a limited impulse control was detectable when the maternal inflammatory values ​​were increased during pregnancy. The researchers published their study results in the journal "Biological Psychiatry".

Increased levels of inflammation in pregnancy have a very adverse effect on the unborn child. (Image: nerudol / fotolia.com)

Examined 90 pregnant women and their children
Frequently, increased levels of inflammation in pregnancy are the result of infection, but they can also occur in other situations, such as overweight or mental stress, according to the scientists. The research team around Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Buß from the Berlin Charité has now examined the effects of an increase in the inflammatory parameters on the basis of 90 pregnant women and their children. For this purpose, the women and their unborn children were examined every trimester of pregnancy (ie a total of three times). "In addition to ultrasound diagnostics and the evaluation of biological samples, any medical complications have been recorded, as well as the mental well-being of expectant mothers," reports the Charité.

Amygdala changes
In the first month after birth, during natural sleep, the children were examined by magnetic resonance imaging. Furthermore, at the age of 24 months playful exercises were used to determine the impulse control of the children, the scientists report. The studies showed that increased interleukin-6 levels not only cause neonatal changes in the amygdala, but also that these changes were "associated with a lesser ability to impulse control of the respective children at the age of two," Prof Penance. With increased levels of inflammation, the children had an enlarged amygdala region in the brain, and this region plays an important role in emotional assessments and recognition of situations. The networking of the amygdala with other brain regions was changed in the children.

Increased risk of psychiatric illness
Study leader Prof. Buß concludes from the current results "on a relationship between elevated maternal inflammatory levels and an increased risk of psychiatric disorders, which are accompanied by a lack of impulse control." From model experiments on animals is already known that infections and inflammation in pregnant animals too Changes in the brain development of their offspring as well as behavioral changes, according to the Charité. Epidemiological studies would also underpin current study results. Factors such as infection, stress and obesity leading to increased levels of interleukin-6 in pregnancy can therefore increase the risk of psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and autism.

Lowering the levels of inflammation would, conversely, be associated with positive effects on the brain and impulse control of the offspring, which argues in particular for a positive change in the factors that can be influenced, namely stress and obesity. For example, relaxation exercises can reduce stress and proper nutrition helps prevent obesity during pregnancy. (Fp)