Traders are supposed to stop selling the e-cigarette

Traders are supposed to stop selling the e-cigarette / Health News

Health authorities: Traders should stop selling the e-cigarette


According to the decree of the Ministry of Health in mid-December 2011, nicotine-containing liquids for e-cigarettes are among the functional medicinal products that must be approved by the competent higher federal authority. So far, such a license is not available. The supply and sale of nicotine-containing liquids are still prohibited by law. A Oberhausener medical officer asks the dealers to stop selling the e-cigarettes.

Health Department Oberhausen will no longer tolerate violations of law
The health authority Oberhausen wants to stop the sale of nicotine-containing Liquits for e-cigarettes. Distributors and pharmacies are encouraged to stop distribution in order to avoid seizures and prohibition orders. Dr. Hans-Henning Karbach, medical officer explains: „As part of consumer health protection, employees will immediately review each reported breach and, where appropriate, take regulatory action.“ Finally, since 16 December 2011, nicotine-containing Liquits have been classified by the Ministry of Health as functional medicinal products that require authorization from the competent higher federal authority. Since such a license is not yet available, the supply and sale of nicotine-containing liquids are prohibited by law.

Administrative court Düsseldorf confirmed product warning for e-cigarettes
Recently, advocates of the electric cigarettes storm, as NRW Health Minister Barbara Steffens, issued a public warning about e-cigarettes. A manufacturer had brought before the Administrative Court of Dusseldorf against such statements and wanted to force a withdrawal. However, the administrative court confirmed the product warning of the Minister of Health (Az .: 16 L 2043).

On the one hand, Steffens had warned against the previously incalculable health risk and, on the other hand, discouraged e-cigarette retailers from opening corresponding stores for the sale of the electric cigarette stick, since a lot of time and money could be mis-invested.

The last word regarding the e-cigarette is not yet spoken, especially as manufacturers can challenge the decision of the Düsseldorf Administrative Court at the Higher Regional Court. In addition, more and more citizens enjoy the enjoyment of the electric glow stick. Estimates go from around 1.2 million „steamers“ in Germany. Communications to the editors show that many consumers of electronic cigarettes are upset about the current coverage. Many believe that "the tobacco lobby is behind it". There is no evidence that this is the case, especially since health authorities and independent institutes warn against the health risks of e-cigarettes. (Ag)

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Image: Viktor Mildenberger