Half of all cancers are preventable

British study: More than 40 percent of cancers preventable
Almost half of all cancers are preventable. As British scientists from the Center for Cancer Prevention at Queen Mary University London in the latest issue of the journal „British Journal of Cancer Research“ 43% of cancers in the UK are due to an unhealthy lifestyle and should therefore be avoided.
Researchers led by Max Parkin at the Center for Cancer Prevention at Queen Mary University in London have come to the conclusion that many unhealthy habits such as smoking, alcohol, high-fat foods, and pronounced sunbathing play a significant role in the development of many cancers. A changed lifestyle could significantly reduce the risk of cancer. In addition there are burdens due to pollutants in the workplace, which are also responsible for numerous cancers and which, according to the team of Max Parkin, could be avoided.
Tobacco Consumption Main cause of preventable cancer
As the greatest risk for a basically preventable cancer, the British cancer researchers name the tobacco consumption. Not only is smoking the primary cause of lung cancer, it also promotes the formation of tumors in the mouth and throat and the development of laryngeal, oesophageal and pancreatic cancer, explained Max Parkin. Also tumors in the area of the bladder are favored according to statement of the British scientists by the smoking. Overall, tobacco consumption in the UK is responsible for 23 percent of cancers in men and 15 percent of cancers in women, according to Parkin and colleagues, making smoking the # 1 preventable cancer risk factor.
In second place is the unhealthy diet, which, according to the British researchers, not only rates the often too fatty and salty food as a risk factor for cancer, but also the low intake of minerals and vitamins. The increasing abandonment of fruit and vegetables, brings here in the opinion of Max Parkin and colleagues also a significant increase in cancer risk. According to the calculations of the British scientists, the cancers caused by unhealthy diets are even significantly higher with 6.1% of cancers in men and 6.9% of cancers in women than with alcohol consumption - which also surprised Max Parkin and colleagues.
Changing the lifestyle could significantly reduce cancer risk
According to British cancer researchers, third place in preventable cancer risk factors is the exposure to pollutants and carcinogenic substances in the workplace, which account for 4.9 percent of cancers in men and 3.7 percent of cancers in women. Only fourth of the preventable cancer risk factors is followed by alcohol consumption, which is said to account for 4.6 percent of cancers in men and 3.6 percent of cancer in women. Overweight and obesity, according to the British scientists, play a key role in 4.1 percent of men's cancers and 3.4 percent of women's tumors, with the most common cancers being colon cancer, kidney cancer, and uterine cancer.
The figures of Max Parkin and colleagues show how much cancer could actually be prevented by a healthy lifestyle. Cessation of tobacco and alcohol consumption, a switch to a balanced diet as well as sufficient exercise and physical activity could therefore already prevent a large number of cancers. Like Max Parkin in the current post of „British Journal of Cancer Research“ emphasized, still believe today too „many people that cancer is a fate or lies in the genes. And that lot decides if they get a tumor“, But the current study proves the opposite: The lifestyle has a significant impact on the individual cancer risk. (Fp)
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