Heat more worrying than constant temperature changes

Heat more worrying than constant temperature changes / Health News

Persistent heat stresses the organism more than weather changes


The summer has so far been characterized by relatively abrupt weather changes. These can cause considerable problems for sensitive people, but they are health less worrying than prolonged heat, according to the medical meteorologist Christina Koppe of the German Weather Service (DWD) in Freiburg.

According to the expert, healthy people have little difficulty in switching between warm and wet-cold weather. They usually show no health problems. All that matters is that enough liquid is absorbed at high temperatures. „Weather changes do not make you sick“, so the medical meteorologist of the DWD. However, especially sensitive, weather-sensitive people often suffer from tiredness, circulatory problems and headaches as well as migraine during abrupt weather changes. Overall, however, would be „long-lasting heat much worse“, So Koppe on.

Summer with changeable weather
The weather in July was extremely mixed according to the announcement of the German Weather Service. „The rocking summer, which we had to endure in June, continued in July 2012“, said Uwe Kirsche, press spokesman for the DWD. It does not surprise therefore, „that the month was much too wet, but temperature and sunshine turned out quite average.“ As an example of the changeable weather in the DWD report, the measured values ​​of the station in Nuremberg-Netzstall called on 23 July at night ground frost at -1.1 degrees Celsius and showed a day later an increase in temperature in high sunshine 31.1 degrees Celsius recorded. Last week, the highest temperatures of the year were reached, sometimes over 35 degrees Celsius.

Renewed cooling beneficial to your health
While many people would have continued to want comparably high temperatures with lots of sunshine, the renewed temperature drop is quite welcome under health aspects. Although this makes weather-sensitive people to create, but overall, the health problems would have significantly increased in prolonged heat. For example, in the light of the extremely high temperatures in the past week, emergency rooms were already prepared for heat patients. Above all, older people and patients with cardiovascular diseases suffer from the weather changes, since their organism must constantly adjust to new conditions, the DWD expert explained ... Nevertheless, the now occurring cooling for those affected after the hot and humid days one real relief. „You can breathe properly again, get out and ventilate the apartment“, according to medical meteorologist Christina Koppe.

Dehydration as a cause of health complaints
Often, the health complaints in warm weather conditions, according to the DWD expert from a too low fluid intake. Because of their reduced feeling of thirst, older people often would not drink enough, and children often do not pay attention to their thirst for play, Koppe says. „You should always ask her to drink“, Sun the medical meteorologist. Because when you sweat you also lose salt, which should be best absorbed by sodium-containing mineral water. Otherwise dizziness, circulatory problems and headaches are at risk. As a guideline Koppe called the intake of two liters on hot days. Recommended is mineral and tap water or fruit spritzer.

Fluid intake at high temperatures is particularly important
The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) again pointed out last week, how important sufficient fluid intake, especially in warm weather. Accordingly, should „Depending on the age around 1.5 liters are drunk distributed throughout the day, in heat it may be healthy in healthy three liters and more.“ Ideally suited „non-calorific beverages such as mineral and drinking water as well as unsweetened herbal and fruit teas.“ Also „Fruit juice spritzers made from one part of juice and three parts of water are acceptable and also quench your thirst“, so the message of the DGE. Stimulants such as coffee, green and black tea should, according to the experts, however, be consumed only in moderation. Sugar-sweetened soft drinks such as lemonades, fruit juice drinks, nectars or strong sugared iced teas are completely unsuitable as a thirst quencher. (Fp)

Also read about heat:
Heat: Melons are good thirst quenchers
Refreshing tea tips for hot summer days
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Picture credits: Katharina Bregulla