Heat Sufficient drink in the summer

Heat Sufficient drink in the summer / Health News

In summer, it is important to drink enough liquid.

(03.07.2010) Despite the hot summer days, many people do not take enough fluids. But that can put your health at risk! Therefore, it is important to drink enough to provide the body with enough fluids. The best solution is still water without carbon dioxide.

It is hot in Germany and almost all seek relaxation in outdoor pools or on vacation by the sea. But especially in the hottest phase is important to take enough liquid. On average, adults need about 1.5 liters of fluid a day. But in the summer it is important to drink at least twice. Because of the "body's own cooling" in the summer, the sweating, the human organism needs much more fluid than on colder days. If one drinks too little, the circulation is loaded and the danger is great to suffer a circulatory collapse.

It also depends on the right liquid. Alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks should be better avoided, as these drinks partially deprives the body of fluid and additionally burden the circulation. In addition to water, liquid can also be taken in the form of very watery fruit. Here it is recommended, for example, to eat watermelons, oranges or apples. Cucumbers and tomatoes are also recommended, as these vegetables also contain a lot of water. For hydration is still water, which is not too cold. Still water can be consumed faster in larger quantities. It is also important that the hydration is distributed throughout the day. So it does not make much sense to drink a lot in the morning and to drink barely or not at all during the day. Because the body excretes excess water again. In general, you should drink when you feel thirsty and do not wait too long. Parents should look after their children and make sure the children drink enough fluids.

If you are thirsty, you should not wait any longer and drink something immediately. Because a feeling of thirst occurs when there is a need for water absorption. In this sense, thirst regulates the fluid balance to avoid deficiencies or compensate and thus prevent dehydration (dehydration). (Sb)

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