Does drinking water help you lose weight?

Does drinking water help you lose weight? / Health News

Diet and Health: Helps to drink water while losing weight?

(01.09.2010) Can water-drinking actually help with weight loss? Many diet planners and nutritionists have always suspected it, and it's true, as a US study found.

Water drinking can help you lose weight. Just two glasses of water before each meal can actually speed up the weight loss. This is proven by a study by Virginia Tech University. By drinking more water before each meal, participants in the study were able to reduce the intake of food, as the feeling of hunger dropped significantly.

48 subjects participated in the study. The study leader was the scientist Dr. med. Brenda Davis from Virginia Tech University. Participants were divided into two equal-sized diet groups. One group was given the requirement to drink at least two glasses of water before each meal. The other group should make the hydration as they are used to. The result is impressive: after a good 12 weeks, the water drinkers had lost an average of seven kilos. That's two kilos more than the control group.

But what influence does drinking water have on our body? Researchers believe that drinking water as such causes satiety earlier. As a result, subjects took significantly fewer calories in the study than the control group. The solution is therefore quite simple, there is already a lot of water in the stomach, there is less space for food. According to the results of the study, the participants consumed about 75 to 90 calories less than the comparison group.

Other studies have already come to similar conclusions. A study by the Berlin Charité had shown that regular drinking of just 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day increases the basal metabolic rate by around 100 kilograms. Thus, it can be stated that in the course of a diet regular drinking of water before and during meals can speed up weight loss.

Naturopathy knows how to accept possibilities effectively. So can with the method „Fletchern“. The slow and concentrated chewing of food in a pleasant and calm atmosphere makes it possible to better recognize self-awareness of satiety. Thus it can be achieved that one gets fed up much earlier and consumes less food. (Sb)

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