Aid funds After banks now the health insurance companies?

Aid funds After banks now the health insurance companies? / Health News

Aid funds: After the banks now the health insurance companies?

(18.06.2010) After three health insurance companies have reported to the Federal Insurance Office, the impending bankruptcy, according to media reports by the Federation of occupational health insurance companies loudly thinking about setting up a bailout fund with aid to endangered health insurance. This is to prevent further health insurance companies from becoming insolvent.

After three health insurance companies have filed an impending bankruptcy at the Federal Insurance Office, according to media reports by the Federation of occupational health insurance companies loudly thinking about setting up a bailout fund with aid for endangered health insurance. The joint health insurance Cologne, the City BKK and the BKK for health professionals should therefore not be the only health insurance, which have massive financial difficulties. And before it comes to a Dominoeffekt with the legal health insurance companies, a Auffangschirm in the form of a rescue fund of the respective top federations should be stretched. Because the debts of the health insurance companies in bankruptcy fall back on the remaining funds and could bring them into calamities.

The Federal Insurance Office (BVA) had already addressed an appeal to the politically responsible, because in 2011 a cash deficit of more than ten billion euros is expected. And there must now be adopted early measures that need even a period of implementation, so they would take 2011. According to the experts, insured persons should not worry about their medical care - this would in any case be secured and costs would be borne, despite the bankruptcy of a health fund. (Tf)

Also read:
Health insurance GBK now broke?
Two health insurance companies are broke

Image: Rainer Sturm /