Helpful Tips for Allergy Spring cleaning without watery eyes and sneezing

Helpful Tips for Allergy Spring cleaning without watery eyes and sneezing / Health News

Hayfever: Spring cleaning without watery eyes, coughing and sneezing

People with hay fever who want to use the beautiful weather to clean the house should be careful. Because currently are particularly many birch pollen on the way. Health experts give tips that help allergy sufferers to survive the spring cleaning as possible without watery eyes, coughing and sneezing.

Beware of the spring cleaning

Granted, not all people love cleaning. One should then just keep in mind that the work in the house not only ensures cleanliness, but can also help with weight loss. Because during spring cleaning many calories are burned. However, it also threatens health risks. For example, scientists at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main have recently warned that there is a risk of infection by Hanta viruses in the dust. Also people with a pollen allergy should be careful, advises the Barmer health insurance.

People with hay fever should be careful with spring cleaning. Because currently many birch pollen are on the way. Some tips can help protect yourself. (Image: Dan Race /

Avoid allergic reactions

According to the health insurance, more than twelve million people in Germany have hay fever. According to the experts, they should pay particular attention to spring cleaning in order to avoid allergic reactions.

"These days, there are a particularly large number of birch pollen, which settle on window sills, for example. If you suffer from hay fever, you should use a damp cloth during spring cleaning, "advises Dr. Utta Petzold, physician at the Barmer.

If you want to be sure, you can also think about a mask.

Sneezing, itching and conjunctivitis

In case of hay fever sufferers suffer mainly from sneezing and pronounced runny nose as well as itching and conjunctivitis of the eye.

"When cleaning the spring, choosing a suitable vacuum cleaner can also help to minimize allergic reactions," says Petzold.

"Models with water or HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are an option, because they can hold back the allergenic particles well."

When dusting a wet or electrostatic cloth makes sense, which absorbs the dust and hold. To clean the floors, the expert advises not to use fragrance ingredients. Because these could irritate the already inflamed respiratory tract even further.

"Many floors are already sufficiently clean with alcohol on a damp microfibre mop cover. Vinegar and soda are also suitable for spring cleaning, "explains Petzold.

House dust allergy sufferers should also take care of the spring cleaning

The doctor of the Barmer also recommends that people who suffer from a house dust mite allergy, take some precautions in spring cleaning.

"A good eight million people in Germany are allergic to the excretions of house dust mites. Here, too, damp cloths, a suitable vacuum cleaner or, if in doubt, dust protection against the mouth and nose will help against allergic reactions ", says Petzold.

Even with a house dust allergy sufferers usually suffer from watery and itchy eyes, coughing and sneezing, often fatigue.

In severe cases it can even lead to shortness of breath and ultimately to allergic bronchial asthma. (Ad)