Heart Researcher Why Our Hearts Can Also smell

Heart Researcher Why Our Hearts Can Also smell / Health News
Researchers decipher the function of fragrances in the heart
Fragrance receptors are used for the perception of odors and are therefore mainly in the nose. But there are also fragrance receptors in the human heart. Researchers at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), the Ludwig Maximillians University (LMU) Munich and the Universities of Cologne and Tübingen have now found out what function the fragrance receptors in our hearts have. Especially for diabetics or patients with increased heart rate, the results could be useful in the long term, the researchers report.

In the human heart, there are olfactory receptors that also occur in the nose, explain the RUB researchers. For one of these receptors, the scientists were now able to decipher which function this takes over in the heart. The results of the research team led by Dr. Ing. Nikolina Jovancevic and Professor dr. Dr. Dr. habil. Hanns Hatt from the Ruhr-University Bochum in the journal "Basic Research in Cardiology" published.

Researchers have decoded what function fragrance receptors in our hearts have (Image: lom123 / fotolia.com)

Fragrance receptor reacts to a rancid-greasy odor
In their research, the scientists found that the fragrance receptor in the human heart reacts to fatty acids that give a rancid-greasy odor impression. For example, these fatty acids are more abundant in the blood of diabetics. "If the fragrance receptor is activated by the fatty acid, the heart rate and heart rate are reduced," reports the RUB. For their experiments, the Bochum scientists together with Prof. dr. Jürgen Hescheler from the University of Cologne Mini-hearts constructed from embryonic stem cells and human skin cells.

Contact with fatty acids changes the heart rate
When the receptor called OR51E1 with a specific fatty acid was activated in the heart, the beat frequency of the cultivated mini hearts was reduced. If the fragrance was removed again, the frequency of the mini hearts normalized, explain the doctors on. According to Professor Hatt, this function of the scent receptor could "have a negative effect on the heart function of diabetics."

Therapeutic benefits of the scent receptor
The scientists have also developed a receptor blocker that cancels out the negative effects of activating fragrances. This could have promising therapeutic benefits. The negative effects on the heart rate could possibly be avoided with his help. On the other hand, the activating scent could be used in patients with greatly increased heart rates to normalize the heartbeat. The fragrance could be administered externally in the form of an ointment, the researchers hope. "By putting the spot over the heart, enough perfume could pass through the skin to have an effect on the heart; there are first indications, "says Prof. Hatt. (Fp)