Heart researchers Energy drinks can be deadly to some people

Heart researchers Energy drinks can be deadly to some people / Health News
Young people with long QT syndrome should not consume energy drinks
Consumption of energy drinks is associated with negative health effects because, for example, this type of beverage generally contains far too much sugar. Researchers have now found that one or two energy drinks are enough to cause life-threatening effects on some young people (without a known history of heart disease).

The scientists at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney found in their study that for certain young people with the so-called Long-QT syndrome already one or two energy drinks can be life-threatening. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "International Journal of Cardiology".

For certain young people, the consumption of energy drinks can have dangerous consequences. It is even possible that those affected die by eating. (Image: beermedia.de/fotolia.com)

In people with the Long QT syndrome, energy drinks can be deadly
People with genetic cardiac arrhythmia called Long QT Syndrome are at an increased risk for significant heart problems after consuming energy drinks. In particularly severe cases, even death can occur, warn physicians.

What is the Long QT syndrome??
Long-QT syndrome (LQTS) is a rare but lethal disease. It can lead to sudden cardiac death in people with a healthy heart. The disease can either be inherited or, for example, as a result of an adverse drug reaction. About one in 2,000 people is affected by the Long QT syndrome, explain the experts. Most sufferers are unaware of their condition until it is detected by ECG examination. In some patients with the Long QT syndrome, the first symptom may be sudden cardiac death.

Physicians examine 24 subjects with the Long QT syndrome
The current study was conducted over a two-year period. Twenty-four people were involved in long QT syndrome. The participants were between the ages of 16 and 50 years. The subjects were given either energy drinks or so-called control drinks over a period of 90 minutes. During this time the volunteers were continuously monitored and regular ECG examinations and blood tests were performed.

For participants, blood pressure increased by more than ten percent
The subjects experienced a significant increase in blood pressure of more than ten percent after consuming the energy drink. In the control group this effect could not be observed. In some patients then dangerous changes in the values ​​were found on the ECG, say the doctors. 12.5 percent of participants showed a significant prolongation of the QT interval of 50 milliseconds or more. The QT duration is a parameter in the evaluation of the ECG.

Many teens consume four or more energy drinks in one evening
For ethical reasons, only small doses of energy drinks could be given to patients in this study. But it is quite realistic that teenagers consume four or more blends of energy drinks with alcohol in the evening. Such mixed drinks are widespread, especially among adolescents, explain the authors.

Cause is still unknown
It remains unclear whether a specific ingredient in energy drinks will cause ECG changes or whether a combination of components will be responsible, explains Professor Chris Semsarian of the University of Sydney.

Many people do not know about their Long QT syndrome
Most people do not even know that they have an inherited Long QT syndrome. Therefore, people must be warned against consuming the stimulating drinks, adds the expert.

Patients acted as their own controls
Although the study was small, it was nevertheless meaningful. The patients acted as their own controls, consuming both energy drinks and control drinks, the researchers explain. This happened in different investigations, in between was at least a week. During this period, the absorbed drink could be washed out again, explains Professor Semsarian. (As)