Hepatitis A outbreak in Berlin - Still no end in sight

Hepatitis A outbreak in Berlin - Still no end in sight / Health News

Furthermore, increased hepatitis A infections in Berlin

Since the beginning of the hepatitis A outbreak in 2016, hundreds of people have become infected in Berlin. The Berlin State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGeSo) has tried to raise awareness of the risk of infection with special information campaigns, but an unusually large number of people in the capital are still suffering from hepatitis A.

"It's not over," summed up the president of the LAGeSo, Franz Allert, to the news agency "dpa". The hepatitis A outbreak started in 2016 and continued in 2017. In total, 213 cases were reported last year, with the annual average in previous years being 52 cases, reports the LAGeSo. According to Allert, 50 cases have been exceeded this year.

Liver infections with hepatitis viruses can be treated successfully in many cases today. (Image: bluebay2014 / fotolia.com)

Vaccination campaign against hepatitis A started

In view of the alarming increase in hepatitis A infections, the LAGeSo launched a special vaccination campaign with 15,000 postcards and 250 posters "distributed in Berlin clubs, darkrooms, gay saunas and in cafés and pharmacies in relevant neighborhoods". Also, they had tried to reach the risk group with an information stand on site and with information on relevant online offers (dating portals or apps).

Heavy inflammation of the liver is imminent

Infection with hepatitis A viruses leads to acute liver inflammation (hepatitis), although these are not chronic and usually heal spontaneously without complications. However, in about ten percent of the cases "protracted forms may occur, which may last for several months, but also heal without complications," reports the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). A maximum of 0.1 percent of those affected are at risk of death, although the incidence increases with age, and especially those who are pre-exposed (eg patients with chronic hepatitis B or C) are at increased risk.

Transmission and symptoms

The pathogens are transmitted not only by smear infection but also sometimes by contaminated drinking water and contaminated food. According to the authorities, men who have unprotected sex with men are particularly often infected. The incubation period is given by the RKI at 15 to 50 days, generally around 25 to 30 days before the onset of first symptoms. Typical complaints include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, nausea and vomiting as well as fatigue and sometimes so-called jaundice (jaundice). A specific therapy for hepatitis A does not exist according to the RKI. However, those affected would be advised to go to bed and, if necessary, the general symptoms would be treated. (Fp)