Learning to overcome inhibitions and blockages

Learning to overcome inhibitions and blockages / Health News

Inhibitions and blockages severely limit everyday life


If we do not dare to leap over our shadows, inhibitions or blockages are usually the cause of many vertaner chances. Many people are annoyed after the fact that they have not been braver and have overcome themselves. This applies to the appeal of an attractive woman as well as the request for a promotion with the supervisor. There are countless excuses in the head like „I do not want to embarrass myself“, „That's embarrassing“ or „I can not do that“, which prevent us from living a free and self-determined life. The news agency „dpa“ Talked to experts about how inhibitions and blockages can be overcome.

Inhibitions and blockages prevent a free and self-determined life
„Inhibitions reduce the chances of development ", explains Nikolaus B. Enkelmann, motivation trainer and author, to the news agency, where inferiority complexes usually prevent us from trying out a new sport, talking to an attractive woman or a good-looking man or asking for a salary increase, and many people dare simply not, because they are afraid of embarrassing themselves and therefore being marginalized.

Those who have inferiority complexes should try to find out what they are based on, advises Enkelmann. Because through fears and inhibitions, one blocks oneself in the decisive moments again and again. Many concerned annoy themselves in hindsight and regret that they were not braver. Who wants to break down his inhibitions and blockages, can not help but to get to the bottom. By reflecting on possible triggers such as the fear of embarrassment and its causes, thinking and acting can be changed. If that succeeds, a free and self-determined life is possible.

Lack of self-confidence often forms the basis of inhibitions and blockages
„Blockades have reasons, "says the psychologist Lutz Hertel, who is chairman of the German Wellness Association, opposite the news agency. „At some point, something happened that man is no longer free. "This is usually based on the fear of failing to make mistakes or embarrass yourself. „You would be much freer if you did not have to worry about others talking about you or turning away. "With these fears you quickly get into a vicious circle: out of fear, the inhibitions become bigger and at the same time the willingness to try something new , less and less.

Julia Scharnhorst from the Professional Association of German Psychologists (BDP) explains in an interview with the news agency that the fear of being out of line makes sense for living together in a community. But that could also turn into negative, if someone dares in anticipatory obedience, nothing more. Then there is a lack of self-confidence behind the inhibitions.

Fear of uncertain results triggers inhibitions and blockages in many people
In addition, a kind of compulsion to control leads many people to stop trying something new. It often seems much easier to move in known, seemingly controllable structures than to dare the unknown. Fear of uncertain results often prevents changes and changes in perspective. An annoying job or an unhappy relationship is then continued instead of facing the problems, to end the old and open to something new. „Often a guarantee of success is expected, but it does not exist, "explains the psychologist.

Also „Too high expectations of oneself and habits that have become so solid that they can no longer be questioned could inhibit and block them - for example, Scharnhorst cites perfectionist women who are so terrified She advises those affected to wonder where the inhibitions and blockages are coming from and what the fears are behind them, as low self-esteem often triggers fears of failure because the person concerned is in his or her self-image „not enough“ and not „good enough“, The way he is. If he then fails, the self-image is completely destroyed.

Learn to reduce inhibition and blockages with cognitive behavioral therapy
According to Hertel, cognitive-behavioral therapy is a suitable psychological procedure for reducing inhibitions and blockages by allowing therapists to discover, change and change beliefs, beliefs and thoughts about themselves, their environment and life. The client learns new beliefs and behaviors that help him in everyday life to be freer and more relaxed. Thus, a particular breathing technique in particularly stressful situations can help to calm down and relax. „Fear leads to an enormous excitement and tension ", reports Hertel.To dissolve blockages, the fears must also dissolve.

Motivation coach Enkelmann advises to keep a luck diary. „In it, we record three things every night, which we were looking forward to today, "he explains. „Even on days when everything went wrong, there are three things. "Those who have done this for a while will see a change. „After one year, the head looks very different. "Instead of continuing to deal with negative thoughts, the mind is then guided by positive information and you have to find out what you really want and implement it. „Everyone can take their lives in their hands and change them, "explains Enkelmann.

When trying new, do not do too much at once
Scharnhorst also advises her clients to take positive notes. So past successes should be written down as well as the everyday positive things. That could also include a long-delayed call to which you finally got through.

Anyone who overcomes themselves to try something new, should not be too overwhelmed. The psychologist advises salami tactics: „Do not do too much at once, just so much that it still feels comfortable, and there where successful experiences are possible. "For example, a career change can first be rehearsed or, for a new sport, a trial lesson can be completed first. Before signing a contract, good experiences are the basis for venturing into the next project, according to the psychologist.

Also helpful is a strategic plan, for which one asks questions such as „Why do I do this?“ „What are the advantages and disadvantages?“ and „What difficulties could be encountered and can I solve these??“. In addition, it helps to tell others about his plans. Because by doing so, they commit themselves to keep what they have done, explained Scharnhorst.