Medicinal plant Peppermint Very effective for muscle and headache

Medicinal plant Peppermint Very effective for muscle and headache / Health News
Natural healing power of peppermint
The peppermint is the most common among the mints. Because of its aroma and its natural healing power, it is more suitable than any other mint especially for tea preparation and the production of mint oil. There are some related cultures that are also wild-growing in our country. But these contain far less essential oils than the "real" ones. Peppermint, medicinal plant of the year 2004.

Small ground peppermint leaves or a mint teabag can help with eye circles quickly. (Image: womue /

It was discovered more than 300 years ago by coincidence in England. It does not grow wild, but is a cross between various wildly occurring mints. It simply would not exist today had they not cultivated their discoverers from the beginning.

Ingredients and effect
The essential oil derived from the leaves of the plant consists of up to 60% of menthol, a plant substance from the group of terpenes. Menthol has a refreshing and germ-inhibiting effect and is therefore the most important ingredient. But also the further contained flavonoids, tannins and bitter substances are among the key ingredients of peppermint. Peppermint is known for its bile-forming and antispasmodic properties. In combination with eucalyptus oil and cajeput oil, the peppermint oil is used externally for mild headaches, as well as local muscle pain.

Uses and presentation
Peppermint is used - mostly as a tea - mainly in gastrointestinal problems, eg. As in acute stomach disorders, inflammation of the small intestine, convulsions and flatulence. It is therefore an important ingredient of many gastric and intestinal teas. Peppermint is also often included in medicinal mixtures for bile and liver.