Medicinal plant more beneficial than rheumatic drug

Medicinal plant more beneficial than rheumatic drug / Health News

Chinese medicinal plant more effective than common rheumatism remedy


The Chinese medicinal plant Lei Gong Teng appears to be more effective against rheumatoid arthritis than the drug methotrexate. This is reported by the news agency „AFP“ citing a recent study by Chinese researchers from Peking Union Medical College Hospital, which is featured in the journal „BMJ Open“ has been published. The medicinal plant known in this country as Wilford's three-winged fruit has shown a surprising effect.

As part of their study, investigator Xuan Zhang from Beijing Union Medical College Hospital investigated the effect of the medicinal plant in 174 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Subjects were given either the medicinal plant, the drug methotrexate, or a combination of both. At the end of the examination period, which lasted only six months, a review of the therapeutic success was carried out. Here, 55 percent of the patients who were treated with the medicinal plant Lei Gong Teng, a significant improvement. Whereas in only 46 percent of the subjects who received the drug exclusively, a correspondingly positive development was observed. The best result was achieved with a combination of the rheumatic drug and the medicinal plant. Here, 77 percent of the patients showed an improvement.

Lei Gong Teng known from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
The medicinal herb Lei Gong Teng has long been recognized in traditional Chinese medicine and naturopathy as an extremely effective remedy for rheumatic complaints, but given the toxicity, some caution is required in the application. Even itchy skin rash in the form of psoriasis can be alleviated with the help of the medicinal plant quite. The German name for Lei Gong Teng is „Wilford's three-winged fruit“ (Latin: Tripterygium wilfordii), but the plant is native to East Asia. Above all, the effect of the medicinal plant against autoimmune diseases and cancer, which was only discovered in recent years, has recently brought her closer to the forefront of science.

Medicinal plant opens new treatment approaches of rheumatoid arthritis
The current study suggests that Lei Gong Teng or the plant's ingredients could open new approaches to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in the future. However, the study shows some weaknesses that limit its validity, admitted study leader Xuan Zhang. For example, the treating physicians and patients each knew which medicine was used. Furthermore, the investigation period is not sufficient to be able to make a definitive statement on the effect of the medicinal plant in rheumatoid arthritis or on possible cure prospects. In addition, a lower dose of methotrexate was chosen in the tests than is normally used in Western countries for rheumatoid arthritis. Nevertheless, the researchers assume that supplementing treatment with Lei Gong Teng significantly improves the chances of successfully treating rheumatoid arthritis. It should be noted, however, that the medicinal plant can also cause side effects such as gastrointestinal complaints. (Fp)