Medicinal Plant of the Year 2019 St. John's wort

Medicinal Plant of the Year 2019 St. John's wort / Health News

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is the medicinal plant of the year 2019

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is medicinal plant of the year 2019. The plant was chosen by a jury on behalf of NHV Theophrastus. "It is versatile and a real blessing as a cure for today's widespread depression," announced Konrad Jungnickel, first chairman of the association.

The medicinal plant is used internally among other things in the field of mental illness and indigestion, externally for wound healing and skin care. "St. John's wort oil as a gentle help with burns should not be missing in any medicine chest," advises Jungnickel. Paracelsus, the most famous physician of the late Middle Ages, described St. John's wort as "... a universal medicine for the whole human being."

Conflicting statements about effectiveness, side effects and interactions, however, always unsettle the population. In this regard, Heilpraktikerin Christina Schäfer, chairman of the jury, their decision: "A medicinal plant that has undergone such an odyssey and suffered, deserves to be repeatedly appreciated and considered under various aspects of natural medicine, even if it was already medicinal plant of 2015 , The NHV Theophrastus wants to strengthen the confidence of the people in this well-tried medicinal plant with this freestyle. "