Medicinal plant of the year 2015. The onion

Medicinal plant of the year 2015. The onion / Health News

The onion: medicinal plant of the year


The onion is the medicinal plant of the year 2015. For millennia it is cultivated as a medicinal, spice and vegetable plant. With the choice, the healing aspect should be emphasized again. The onion is a commonly used home remedy in naturopathy.

Onion with healing powers
Onions are a popular food and seasoning and refine many dishes. Germans are expected to consume around seven kilograms per capita per year on average. But the plant also has healing powers. That is why the onion (Allium cepa) was chosen as the medicinal plant of the year 2015. As the naturopathic association NHV Theophrastus announced at a symposium in Panschwitz-Kuckau (Saxony) on Tuesday, should be highlighted with the choice of the healing aspect of the plant again more. In natural medicine, the onion is a commonly used home remedy for numerous ailments.

Rich in vitamins and minerals
The election is made by a jury of the Association for the Promotion of Natural Healing according to Theophrastus Bombastus of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus, (NHV Theophrastus) in Munich. For more than 5,000 years, the onion has been cultivated as a medicinal, spice and vegetable plant. According to NHV, the acreage in Germany is 9,000 hectares. Onions are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements and also have a particularly high content of essential, sulfur-containing oils and other flavorings.

Plant has a preventative effect
The plant helps, among other things with loss of appetite and to prevent age-related vascular changes. Avoiding vasoconstriction also reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke and thrombosis. Also antibacterial, the blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar low lowering effects could be detected, as well as anti-asthmatic properties. In addition, studies indicate that bulbs can reduce the colorectal cancer risk.

Proven home remedy for many complaints
Onions have also proven useful as a home remedy for coughing or earache. In addition, it can be used to alleviate stomach problems, bowel problems or sore throat and runny nose. Due to the antibacterial effect of the onion juice, infections can be prevented and inflammations inhibited. Applied externally, the vegetables are used for mosquito or wasp stings as well as bruises. After a wasp sting, for example, rub the spot repeatedly with a sliced ​​onion and let some juice dribble on it to achieve a relief of the discomfort. (Ad)

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