HeartMath New breathing techniques against everyday stress

HeartMath New breathing techniques against everyday stress / Health News
Easy to learn: New breathing technique to help against stress
For more and more people, the workload in the job is increasing. The permanent stress and long working hours are often an enormous burden. Many feel burned out. A new breathing technique can help you cope better with stress.

With new breathing technique against stress
The workload of many employees often takes on health-threatening proportions. According to health experts, employers are also responsible for burnout and stress and the resulting mental health problems such as depression. It is only fair, therefore, if companies make a contribution to supporting employees in the fight against stress. In the Netherlands this happens: There the police uses a breathing technique to control the stress better.

The workload of some people is becoming healthier and more dangerous. A new breathing technique can help you deal with stress better. The method is easy to learn and can be used at any time. (Image: plprod / fotolia.com)

Policemen rely on breathing and focusing technology
In the Netherlands, police officers are encouraged to use special breathing and focusing techniques to better deal with stress and emotions. Saarbrücken manager Reiner Krutti also offers such courses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland using the so-called "HeartMath" method. According to the information, this procedure is about the cardiac rhythm pattern and the ability to actively influence it.

Technology is easy to learn
According to the expert, the technique is easy to learn and can be used at any time, so changes in the pattern of the heartbeat can be visualized on the smartphone. On the website of "HeartMath Germany" states: "You can see exactly how high your current level of fatigue or stress is currently."

In the past, therapists and physicians who have learned this method have become more and more companies that include "HeartMath" in their professional lives. According to Krutti, 34,000 police officers in the Netherlands are now using this technology.

Interaction between breathing, heartbeat and blood pressure
"Because the difficult situations in which police officers repeatedly come up with are difficult to prevent or change, they need to be better placed to deal with them," writes Krutti on the blog "heartmathdeutschland.de". Therefore, the mental health program "Mental Strength" was launched in the Netherlands. An important element of this program is "Heart Coherence", the interplay between respiration, heartbeat and blood pressure.

Effects on the immune system
"We achieve cardiac coherence through simple and effective breathing and focusing exercises. With this language of the heart we influence our emotional brain and thus our emotions at the place of their origin, "writes" HeartMath Germany ". According to their blog, "already five minutes conscious feeling of a pleasant emotion such as appreciation" have a positive effect on our immune system.

Different methods of stress reduction
According to Krutti, the new technology is designed to prepare for difficult situations, to respond to the situation itself in the best possible way, and then recover quickly. However, other methods of stress relief help. These include autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or yoga. But only with "HeartMath" it is possible to make the success visible. This motivates those affected. (Ad)