Maximum levels of pesticides lowered in food

Maximum levels of pesticides lowered in food / Health News

Eleven high levels of pesticides are being lowered across Europe today in food. Environmental organizations are calling the new highs as the first step in the right direction, yet the combined effects of pesticides are not taken into account. Also combination effects are harmful to health.

(07.06.2010) Foodstuffs will lower their maximum pesticide levels on Monday. Affected are vegetables and fruits such as peppers, cucumbers or grapes. Since 2005, the maximum levels have been regulated by a European regulation called "EU maximum residue limits for pesticides in food". Environmental organizations like Greenpeace see a good first step in this step.

In the past, environmental groups such as the "Pesticides Action Network" and "Greenpeace" have proven that even if they comply with EU directives on maximum residue levels for pesticides, they pose an acute health risk to consumers. For example, it has been shown that, for example, in grapes the reproductive-toxic antifungal agent procymidone is included. Above all, this pesticity endangers the health of children. The environmental organizations had referred to this fact until finally the European Food Authority (EFSA) agreed and agreed that many MRLs would raise concerns about health. In 2009, a reduction in the maximum levels of pesticides was decided, which now enters into force. Affected are the values ​​of dimethoate, methomyl or ethephon. New maximum levels have been set for these pesticides.

Greenpaece welcomes this first step, but the combination effects of pesticides in the limit values ​​are not considered. The new regulations would only concern a minimal part of the contested regulations. The environmental groups Global 2000 and Greenpeace had already demonstrated in a study in 2008 that the EU food limits are "not safe" for health. A combination of pestitzides in foods and the associated combination effects between the pollutants will leave the maximum limits behind. Therefore, it should urgently be re-worked more differentiated, so the demand of environmental organizations. (Sb)

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