Skin Disease Spreads More Those are the symptoms of scabies

Skin Disease Spreads More Those are the symptoms of scabies / Health News

Itchy Skin Disease: Increasing number of scabies cases reported

Although Scabbers was considered extinct in this country for a long time, the infectious skin disease had never completely disappeared. The disease, which is medically referred to as scabies, currently seems to be on the rise again in Germany, as the Barmer Ersatzkasse reports.

Infectious skin disease is spreading

Although many people think scabies would be long gone in Germany, there were always times when the itchy skin disease returned. More recently, there have been more cases of scabies infections in schools. And just a few months ago, a whole ward had to be closed in a Bonn clinic because of scabies cases. Now also reports the Barmer health insurance that the scabies in Germany seems to be clearly on the rise again.

The scabies currently seems to be on the rise again in Germany. This is made clear by the increased number of prescribed medications for the itchy skin disease. (Image: miamariam /

Scabies can be transmitted from person to person

As the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) explains on its portal "", the scabies, medically referred to as scabies, is an infectious skin disease caused by the itch mite of humans.

It can be transmitted from person to person, as well as from animal to human and over clothing or objects.

The disease is usually not dangerous, but it is extremely unpleasant for those affected.

Disease sign of scabies

Burning of the skin and itching, which is particularly pronounced in bed warmth, are often the first signs of scabies, according to BZgA.

"The itching can even spread to skin regions that are not directly from
Itching mites are affected, "write the experts on their portal.

Infested areas are therefore mainly interspaces of fingers and toes, wrists, ankles, armpits, elbows, nipples and genitals.

Especially in infants and toddlers, the hairy head, the face as well as the hands and feet can be affected.

In addition, injured skin can ignite purulent by scratching. Prolonged infestation may develop into a large-area itchy rash with pin-sized blisters, reddened raised nodules or pustules in response to the mite excretions.

Significantly more scabies medications prescribed

An analysis of the Barmer health insurance now indicates that the scabies in this country is again clearly on the rise.

According to this, the prescription number of important scab drugs increased by 60 percent between 2016 and 2017, from 38,127 to 61,255 prescriptions by the Barmer insured.

"The doctors again prescribe significantly more scabies drugs, in all regions of Germany. The number of sick people is likely to have risen similarly. " Utta Petzold, dermatologist at the Barmer.

The cash register points out that you should see the doctor quickly at the first signs of scabies such as reddened papules in the genital area, between the fingers or in the armpits and especially nocturnal itching.

Regional increases of up to 127 percent

A look at the federal states shows massive regional differences in the development of the regulations of scabies preparations.

While the number of prescriptions in Berlin has increased by 35 percent, there has been an increase of 127 percent in Schleswig-Holstein, followed by Bremen (98 percent) and Rhineland-Palatinate (89 percent).

Most regulations were prescribed in North Rhine-Westphalia with 26,758 in 2017, followed by 5,011 in Lower Saxony.

This reduces the transmission risk

"Infection with scabies can affect anyone and does not necessarily have anything to do with hygiene. Patients can infect other people through body contact if they do not have any symptoms, "explains Petzold.

The itch mite can spread particularly easily in Kitas. Because itchy mites outside the human body could survive for several days, the expert advises those affected and their contacts to change clothes and bedding daily and wash at least 60 degrees Celsius.

Towels should be renewed directly after use. Non-washable items should be packaged airtight for seven to 14 days. It makes sense to also suck upholstered furniture and mattresses daily with a strong vacuum cleaner.

"You should also avoid body contact with people with scabies and not sleep in the same bed," advises Petzold. (Ad)