Skin burning and itching Can it be scabies?

Skin burning and itching Can it be scabies? / Health News

Contagious skin disease: In case of suspected scabies immediately to the doctor

Scabies was considered in this country for a long time as extinct. But she had never completely disappeared from the scene. In recent years, there have been an increasing number of cases of scabies infections in schools. Health experts recommend that if you have a suspected infectious skin disease, go to the doctor immediately.

Scabies always returns

Although many people think scabies would be long gone in Germany, there were always times when the itchy skin disease returned. Only recently, a whole ward had to be closed due to scabies in a Bonn clinic. Those affected notice late that they have infected themselves. Health experts advise to seek medical attention immediately at the first signs of illness.

Burning of the skin and itching, which is particularly pronounced in bed warmth, are often the first signs of scabies. In case of suspected infectious skin disease, a doctor should be consulted immediately. (Image: miamariam /

For infected people extremely unpleasant

As the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) explains on its portal "", the scabies, medically referred to as scabies, is an infectious skin disease caused by the itch mite of humans.

It can be transmitted from person to person, as well as from animal to human and over clothing or objects.

The disease is usually not dangerous, but it is extremely unpleasant for those affected.

Disease sign of scabies

Burning of the skin and itching, which is particularly pronounced in bed warmth, are often the first signs of scabies, according to BZgA.

"The itching can even spread to skin regions that are not directly from
Itching mites are affected, "write the experts on their portal.

Accordingly, it is primarily interstices between fingers and toes that are infested,
Wrists, ankles, armpits, elbows, nipples and genitals.

Especially in infants and toddlers, the hairy head, the face as well as the hands and feet can be affected.

In addition, injured skin can ignite purulent by scratching. Prolonged infestation may develop into a large-area itchy rash with pin-sized blisters, reddened raised nodules or pustules in response to the mite excretions.

In case of suspected skin disease to the doctor

The symptoms occur in a first infection only after two to five weeks. There is a risk of infection as long as itch mites are on the skin. Untreated, the skin disease is often chronic, but can heal spontaneously after some time.

"If the above signs of disease occur or if you suspect scabies, you should consult your doctor immediately," it says on "".

Scabies are treated with so-called scabicides. These drugs are usually applied as creams, sprays or ointments on the skin, or even administered orally.

Protection against infections

Important to know: There is a risk of infection until the end of treatment. Indirect transmission is possible because the mites can also survive outside the organism.

Therefore, clothes, bed linen, towels and other items should be washed at least 50 degrees for at least ten minutes with prolonged body contact, writes the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

Upholstered furniture, sofa cushions or textile floor coverings can be vacuumed with a strong vacuum cleaner (filter and bag disposed afterwards) or not used for at least 48 hours.

"Since transmission of scabies mites requires a close, extensive and prolonged skin contact (longer than 5 - 10 minutes), shaking hands, kissing and embracing are usually without any risk of transmission," says the RKI. (Ad)