Dermatologist Wash face first before wet shaving

Dermatologist Wash face first before wet shaving / Health News
Washing the face facilitates the subsequent shave

With wet shaving, the preparation should be correct in order to avoid unnecessary irritation of the skin and at the same time to achieve a smooth shave. The removal of the whiskers is much easier, if previously the sebum layer on the hair was removed by a cleaning with washing emulsion or soap, reported the reference agency "dpa", citing the expert Birgit Huber from the industry association body care and detergent in Frankfurt am Main.

Only when the sebum layer on the whiskers is removed, water can penetrate into the hair and soften it, whereby the wet shaving is much easier, explains the expert. For this, the whiskers must be cleaned with soap or a washing emulsion, which take some time to act before they are washed off with warm water. Thus, the whiskers soften slightly and the smooth shave succeeds better afterwards.

Avoid pulling on the hair shaft
If the whiskers are freed of their sebum before shaving, this can avoid the unpleasant pulling on the hair shaft during wet shaving, Birgit Huber reports to the "dpa" After the pre-wash, shaving soap, foam, cream or gel are applied to the wet shave the whiskers applied. Skin irritation and cuts can be avoided in this way, the blade glides gently over the skin and the hair is removed thoroughly. For this it is also important to change the blades regularly.

Wash your face before wet shaving

Daily shave a strain on men's skin
In the journal of the professional association of German dermatologists Prof. Christiane Bayerl, dermatologist from Wiesbaden, explained last year that the daily shave for the men's skin is a special exertion. Usually with plenty of shaving cream and alcoholic tonic the healthy protective skin shell destroyed, which could lead to skin irritation. Here it is urgent to advise the use of mild products, so that the irritated skin can calm down quickly after shaving. (Fp)

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