Home remedies for common cold

Home remedies for common cold / Health News

Home remedies for common cold such as cough, runny nose and hoarseness.

With natural home remedies can effectively be treated cold symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and hoarseness. Even at the time of our grandmothers, simple but effective home remedies were known. In case of mild symptoms, medicines do not have to be used immediately. Many mild to moderate symptoms can be meaningfully alleviated naturally.

Even a first slight scratching in the throat as well as a slight malaise can be the first signs of a cold. „Heating air or the cold air in autumn and winter are often the trigger“, explained Peter Weber, director of the health insurance AOK Bamberg. Because dry and warm air in the offices and apartments dry out the mucous membranes in the mouth, nose and throat. These are the ideal conditions for infections. For this reason, it is particularly important to air the rooms intensively several times a day to ensure fresh air circulation. In addition, one should not forget the regular drinking, the best are sugar-free teas and fresh mineral water.

To prevent colds, attention should be paid to a balanced and vitamin-rich diet. Many fruits and vegetables strengthen the body's immune system. In addition, it is advisable to move a lot in the fresh air, jogging and walks should not be avoided even in the cold season. Because a sufficient movement trains our defense system. Another sensible precaution is regular hand washing, especially if you have been in public places like train stations, restaurants or offices.

If the first symptoms of a cold are already present, natural home remedies can relieve the symptoms. In our guidebooks, we have described numerous home remedies for hoarseness, runny nose and cough: home remedies for cold, home remedies for hoarseness, self-treatment for cough and home remedies for sore throats. (sb, 04.11.2010)

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