Hazel and apple Health tips for those with a cross-allergy

Hazel and apple Health tips for those with a cross-allergy / Health News
Hazel and apple not together: what can help with cross-allergies
As in previous years, pollen count starts earlier this season. People who are allergic to early flowering plants such as hazel or birch, sometimes feel this when they bite into an apple. Because some allergic people do not tolerate certain foods. Experts explain what can help against such cross-allergies.

Some pollen allergy sufferers have a hard time
For people with a pollen allergy, the time of discomfort has begun. Hazel and alder already bloom in some regions. Soon, birch, elm and co will also fly their pollen. Some people with allergies now suffer twice. With them, certain types of fruit and vegetables can lead to a cross-allergy. But that does not mean that those affected should never eat apples again. Experts explain what can help them.

People who are allergic to hazel or birch sometimes can not tolerate fruits and vegetables. Behind it is a cross allergy. Those affected do not have to do without apples and co. (Image: Syda Productions / fotolia.com)

One of the most common food allergies in adulthood
As the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) reports on its website, pollen-associated food allergies are among the most common food allergies in adulthood. "Especially with a pollen allergy to early blooming trees and shrubs (birch, alder, hazel) often occur simultaneous food allergies," write the experts.

The press spokeswoman of the DAAB, Sonja Lämmel, said in a message from the news agency dpa: "The early bloomers contain similar allergens as many foods."

Affected are not allergic to apple or cherry, but rather confused their immune system, the allergens in food with those in the pollen.

Cross allergies with raw stone and pome fruit
"In the early flowering season, there are such cross-allergies, especially with raw stone and pome fruit such as apples, cherries, plums and kiwi," said Lämmel. However, some also respond to apricot, pear or mango, hazelnuts and raw almonds.

According to Lämmel, it depends on two things, whether it comes to a cross allergy: On the one hand, how similar the allergen is that in the pollen and on the other of various trigger factors.

"This includes about how strong the pollen count currently is," said the spokeswoman. Thus, it may be that someone does not tolerate a raw apple in the spring, but already in the fall.

Compote instead of fresh apples
According to Lämmel, all foods that have caused tingling at some point should be avoided.

In some cases, however, the right preparation can help: "Individual fruits and vegetables become more compatible by peeling or heating. Try apple compote instead of raw apples or a cherry cake as an alternative to the fresh variant, "writes the DAAB.

The experts have even more tips: "Specially with apples there are variety differences. Apple varieties like Altländer, Gloster and Hammerstein are well tolerated. "

Avoid stress and alcohol
Since the allergic reactions can be intensified by simultaneous consumption of alcohol, this should be avoided. This also applies to stress, because: "Stressful situations and stress in everyday life can influence the allergic reactions."

The DAAB and its spokesperson recommend that you consult an allergological nutritionist who looks at the patient for how to process certain fruits or vegetables so that he can tolerate it better.

"That depends on the individual case," said Lämmel. According to the DAAB, part of the cost of such advice is usually covered by the health insurance.

According to Lämmel, those affected should basically only give up as much as they need, but enjoy as much as possible. Because a varied diet is important to stay healthy. (Ad)