Hartz IV sufferers die earlier
Poor people die earlier than rich
The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and the Robert Koch Institute found in a study on life expectancy in Germany that especially men from low-income households have a lower life expectancy. Thus, men with a household income of less than 60 percent of the average income in Germany live about five years less than rich men. Women showed fewer, yet significant, differences. Women living in poor households live about three and a half years less than rich women.
Therefore, the Coordination of Saarland Unemployment Initiatives (KSA) described the established context between poverty and life expectancy as "absolutely conclusive". Through the health structural reform law is observed in many places that recipients of Hartz IV benefits or generally low income shy the doctor's visit. According to the initiative, there is a lack of money for co-payments of medicines and, secondly, the practice fee due on a quarterly basis is frightening.
"Especially at the end of the quarter, the visit to the doctor is canceled because many unemployed people have to pay two-time practice fee with continued treatment.Glasses can not be purchased, since the cost of the long-term unemployed and generally low-income financially far exceeded the financial resources," said the KSA Association Chairman Manferd Klasen , Accordingly, it is not surprising that people with low incomes are more involved in accidents. It has been known for some time that financial problems and concerns about the future of the job place a heavy burden on the psyche. This also significantly increases the suicide rate.
According to Klasen, in order to at least alleviate the financial consequences of diseases, "a general and complete exemption of health care costs for the poor and the unemployed is urgently needed". For the current regulations, "according to which people in social benefits are asked to pay just as much as well-earning people, ultimately leads to a poorer health status and a lower life expectancy." This is a hitherto neglected scandal! Another study came to the conclusion that Hartz IV recipients are more often chronically ill. (Sb)
Also read:
Hartz IV recipients more frequently chronically ill
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