Hartz IV 13 health insurance companies charge additional contribution

Hartz IV 13 health insurance companies charge additional contribution / Health News

Hartz IV: 13 health insurance companies charge additional contribution


Despite the health care reform: A total of 13 health insurance companies could demand from Hartz IV recipients so-called additional contributions. Some health insurance companies plan a change of the statute and demand the difference to the average additional contribution. However, since the average additional contribution from the federal government is currently calculated at zero euros, those affected must pay the full amount of the additional contribution as a quasi-differential contribution.

Since the first of January 2011, the health reform of the black and yellow federal government has come into force. It was announced that from the beginning of the year recipients of social assistance and unemployment benefits II will be exempted from the additional contributions. But if you look at the new regulations in detail, it quickly becomes clear that the exemption initially only applies on paper, but does not quite correspond to reality. As stated in the statement of the Federal Ministry of Labor: „If the health insurance is individually higher than the average additional contribution, the health insurance fund may stipulate in its statutes that the member has to pay the difference. The same procedure applies to so-called Aufstocker“.

Average additional contributions versus difference
Now it is so that by increasing the regular cash contributions from 14.9 to 15.5 percent, most health insurance companies want to waive the collection of additional contributions. A total of 13 health insurance companies, including members DAK, but still want to collect additional contributions. The „average additional contribution“ is based on all statutory health insurance in Germany. The Confederation calculates an average additional contribution of „Zero euros“. This means in plain English: If a health insurance company changes its statute, then Hartz IV recipients must pay the full additional contribution from the unemployment benefit II standard rate. Because the average calculated additional contribution is currently at zero euros. Three of the 13 funds, which currently demand lump-sum additional contributions, have announced their intention to change their statutes. The rest have not yet commented or do not plan an individual amendment to the Articles of Association. Without an amendment of the Articles of Association, a claim of the difference between (lower) average and (higher) actual additional contribution can not be demanded from an ALG II beneficiary.

Special right of termination does not apply, only the regular termination right
For those concerned, no special right of termination currently comes into question, as this right only applies if the fund announces directly the establishment of an additional contribution or increases the already existing additional contributions. However Hartz IV sufferers can exercise their regular right of termination. Insured persons can therefore cancel their membership of the health insurance with a notice period of two months to the end of the calendar month. It should be remembered that the election decision of the new health insurance then 18 months applies. Only after this period can you switch to a new cash register. (Sb)

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Picture: Chris Beck