Bladder cancer - genotype is crucial

Bladder cancer - genotype is crucial / Health News

Genetic variants can increase the risk of bladder cancer

Researchers identified genetic risk factors for bladder cancer. In a recent study, scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Labor Research at TU Dortmund University investigated the influence of combinations of risk variants on the risk of developing bladder cancer. The researchers found that smoking and exposure to certain workplace chemicals influence the development of bladder cancer, the second most common malignant tumor in urology.

Certain regions of the genome have been associated with an increased urinary bladder cancer risk. According to the researchers, the risk can increase significantly if a person has several genetic risk variants. Ironically, the strongest variant combination occurs more frequently in non-smokers.

According to the scientists, in about 30 percent of cases, our genetic makeup determines whether or not we have bladder cancer. They were able to identify the effect of the individual known genetic variants on the disease risk. Fortunately, the increased disease risk, depending on the variant, only between five to twenty percent. The researchers have analyzed more than 100,000 combinations of genetic variants. Working groups from six countries participated in the project. The study results were recently published in the British journal "Carcinogenesis".

Researchers identified combinations of genetic variants that increase the risk of urinary cancers. (Image: SENTELLO /

Genetic predisposition occurs more frequently in nonsmokers

While smoking is a major risk factor for many types of cancer, it is ironic that researchers have identified a combination of genetic variants that increase urinary bladder cancer risk in non-smokers. "The variant combinations we have found particularly affect the bladder cancer risk of non-smokers," says study author Dr. Silvia Selinski in a press release of the institute. The strongest variant combination occurs in about 25 percent of all bladder cancer cases in which the patients have never smoked. This variant increases the risk of disease by two and a half times.

Results show an increased risk for non-smokers

This combination is a variant of genes that influence cell division, detoxification and urine concentrations. The study concludes that four high-risk variants can statistically interact and cause increased bladder cancer risk, especially in non-smokers.

Further studies are necessary

The researchers investigated twelve of the known risk variants for bladder cancer and their combinations. Genetic data from four study groups with a total of more than 5,000 bladder cancer patients and 5,400 control persons were available. According to Selinski, more Sudes are needed to deal with the course of the disease. For this one would have to analyze additional risk variants from four further genetic regions. "The aim of these studies is to find additional criteria to help tailor the individual therapy of bladder cancer patients," Selinski explains. (Fp)