Always take the expiry date into account Expired contact lenses increase the risk of inflammation

Always take the expiry date into account Expired contact lenses increase the risk of inflammation / Health News
Unnecessary risk of eye inflammation due to expired contact lenses
For contact lenses it is essential to pay attention to the best before date. If this is exceeded, the lenses should no longer be used. Anyone who uses the visual aid anyway exposes their eyes to unnecessary risk.

Eye infections and serious eye damage
Millions of people wear contact lenses. However, the small visual aids can also pose a danger to the eyes. For example, US scientists recently reported that contact lenses - if used improperly - can cause eye infections and serious eye damage. To avoid such dangers, users would need to better care for their contact lenses and be more responsible with them. It is also important to pay attention to the MHD.

Contact lens wearers should always pay attention to the expiration date of the lenses. Using old contact lenses exposes your eyes to unnecessary risk. (Image:

Do not expose your eyes to unnecessary risk
Contact lenses whose expiration date has expired are in the trash, even if they are still packed. This is recommended by Georg Eckert of the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists (BVA) in a message from the news agency dpa. Contact lens wearers should not expose their eyes to unnecessary risk.

Mini-visual aids let more air through with time
There is a good reason for the limited service life: The pores of the contact lenses are increasing over time even when packaged. Therefore, the mini-visual aids are less and less air through which increases the risk of eye inflammation.

According to Eckert was expired contact lenses to eat a bit like expired yogurt. "It does not have to happen, but it can." In contrast to expired foods, wearers of contact lenses, however, find it very difficult to tell if the lenses are still usable. Only the minimum shelf life gives safe orientation.

Hygiene is the alpha and omega of contact lens wearers
In addition to the MHD, contact lens wearers should follow some simple rules to minimize health hazards. In a communication, the BVA points to the "Five Rules for the Daily Use of Visual Aids".

The experts remind of the importance of washing hands, cleaning and disinfecting the lenses and observing the care instructions. In addition, the container of contact lenses should be regularly disinfected. "The contact lens containers should also be replaced every three to six months," writes the BVA. (Ad)