Hair straighteners can harm your health

Hair straighteners can harm your health / Health News

Toxic substances in hair straightener

Hair straighteners purchased on the Internet can seriously damage your health. In an investigation by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment high concentrations of the substance formaldehyde were detected.


Many hairdressers apparently use hair relaxers with the chemical formaldehyde. In the European Community (EU), the use of formaldehyde in such products is not authorized due to the hazards to health. Without knowing it, hairdressers order the smoothing products on the internet. The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) pointed this out and at the same time warned against its use.

Consumers and hair salons apparently acquire hair smoothing agents with the chemical formaldehyde in the direct import or via Internet shops without knowledge of the dangers to health. The products come from abroad and are acquired mainly because of the low purchase price. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) warns, however, urgently against the turn of the acquired products.

The designated funds are used to smooth natural-curly hair to smooth it permanently. For this purpose, the hair straightening agent is applied to the hair and stretched after 30 minutes with a so-called flat iron at 230 degrees heat. If the product contains formaldehyde, toxic fumes are generated for the user, the hairdresser and the customer.

Inhaling and releasing the toxic substances may cause skin irritation, irritation of the eyes, respiratory tract and mucous membranes. According to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, the investigated funds showed a high concentration of the toxic substance. In addition to the above-mentioned complaints, allergic skin reactions can accordingly occur. In addition, formaldehyde can greatly promote cancer in the nasopharynx.

In the investigations experts of the risk authority determined that for example analyzed means contained in Baden-Wuerttemberg a high Formaldehyd concentration of 1.7 to 1.8 per cent. Throughout the EU, the use of this substance is only permitted in nail hardeners in concentrations of up to 5 percent and for the preservation of cosmetic products only up to a concentration of 0.2 percent. From 0.05 percent, labeling is mandatory in the EU. For this reason, only products that have been approved in the EU should be used. Formaldehyde is completely prohibited for the production of hair straightening agents. (Sb)

Picture credits: Silke Kaiser