Good for fitness Swimming promotes endurance & health

Good for fitness Swimming promotes endurance & health / Health News
Joint-gentle swimming promotes endurance
Swimming is a true all-round sport. It can burn calories, strengthen muscles and build up the condition. There is hardly any other sport that does so much good for the body and that also protects the joints.

Swimming is the all-round sport par excellence
The fact that sport promotes good health is undisputed among most experts. Swimming is the perfect all-round sport for it. If you are not afraid of the wet, you can do your fitness training regularly in the pool. Not only does it help burn calories, strengthen muscles and build stamina, it also takes care of the joints. "In the water, above all the general stamina is trained. Since the resistance in the water is 14 times higher than on land, swimming is significantly more energy-intensive ", explained Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne.

Swimming relieves the joints and promotes endurance. Picture: Robert Kneschke / fotolia)

Prevent calories and prevent illness
It also uses the muscles that are not needed when jogging, for example. In addition, in regular swimming units, the cardiovascular system is stimulated and the blood circulation promoted. Gentle endurance training burns calories and prevents obesity and obesity. It also reduces the risk of diabetes, atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) and other diseases. For obese people, swimming is an optimal sport for training endurance. "In the water, they only carry one tenth of their own body weight," said Froböse.

A clean technique is essential when swimming
Depending on the swimming style different body regions are addressed more intensively. "When crawling arm and torso area are required, while in the breaststroke technique, the legs are also more heavily loaded. For a balanced workout, it's best to switch from one style to another, "advises the health expert. Especially for beginners, the basic problem is breathing. However, a clean technique is essential to be able to swim for a long time in one piece. This is also because training is really effective only for a duration of about 30 minutes. Those who do it right will burn 350 calories in half an hour. Swimmers should work out for a long-term effect about three to four times a week.

Avoid knee problems with breast problems
People with knee problems or similar complaints should abstain from breaststroke. For them, the crawl style is recommended, because the knee joints are burdened in Kraulbeinschlag in this style only to a small extent. Cardiac patients should talk to their doctor before starting swimming training. "The higher water pressure, the venous return to the heart is increased and thus the pulse is lowered," said sports physician Froböse. Since the loss of gravity causes the bone metabolism is not stimulated, an alternative to swimming could also be advisable in osteoporosis. For certain illnesses, swimming and sport in general - temporarily - should be avoided. For example, you should take at least three days break after a fever flu, because the infection can otherwise spread to the heart, with possible serious consequences such as chest pain or heart rhythm disorders. (Ad)

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