Drop well This is how baking with silicone mold works

Drop well This is how baking with silicone mold works / Health News
Small colorful cakes always look especially good in advertising. More and more hobby bakers use silicone molds that do not need to be greased. However, this often creates unsightly holes in the dough. With a simple tip you can avoid them.

Tips for baking with silicone molds. Image: Esther Hildebrandt

Avoid small holes in the dough
Although the mini-cake made of colorful silicone molds look particularly pretty on photos in baking books. But at home, the little cake after baking often looks very different. In the surface of the finished little kitchen little holes are visible. These are created by air bubbles when the dough is filled into the mold, explained the top chef Daniel Achilles from the Berlin restaurant "pure substance" in a message from the news agency dpa. He also explained how this can be prevented: just drop it. This is how bakers should lift the shape and let it plump from about five centimeters high on the straight work surface. "You can repeat that several times. Sometimes you can already see how the dough bulges and the bubbles go up, "says Achilles. However, this does not work with Soufflé, because that would coincide.

Bake delicious tartlets. Picture: Daisies

Pay attention to good quality of the molds
If you want to bake with silicone molds, you should definitely pay attention to their quality, because some forms can pose health hazards. About two years ago, ÖKO-TEST had tested several of these products, which are suitable for baking muffins, cupcakes or other trifles. They came to the conclusion that, although all had met the legal limits, but a few found after baking more traces of volatile organic compounds in the pastry than others. One product was negative at the time because it contained too much phenanthrene. This substance is carcinogenic. Experts recommend that one should outgas silicone pans. For this, the molds are packed in the oven for four hours at 200 degrees before the first use - with the kitchen window open. (Ad)