Green tea prevents the onset of type 2 diabetes

Green tea prevents the onset of type 2 diabetes / Health News

Can protect tea from developing type 2 diabetes?

The risk of type 2 diabetes can be reduced by a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise. It is also possible to avoid the onset of the disease by taking a special drink as part of your daily breakfast - green tea!

Diabetes is a common disease that affects millions of people worldwide. If you want to prevent high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes, it is advisable to drink green tea in the morning for breakfast.

Green tea is very healthy and may even prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. (Image: KMNPhoto /

First symptoms of type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is caused by the pancreas not producing enough insulin. Common diabetes symptoms include, for example, unexplained weight loss and poor wound healing and frequent urination. However, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes can be reduced by consuming green tea.

Green tea improves insulin sensitivity

It has been known for years that green tea is very healthy. Apparently consumption can also prevent type 2 diabetes because it helps improve insulin sensitivity, experts at explain. Green tea can also reduce the risk of heart disease. This is crucial because diabetics are at greater risk of suffering heart disease. These health benefits of tea are not found in herbal teas.

Other positive effects of green tea

Green tea can also be used to fight obesity and memory problems. Some time ago scientists from Northwest A & F University in China found out in their study published in the English journal "FASEB Journal" that green tea protects against overweight and memory loss. In addition, green tea can protect against heart attacks and strokes, scientists at the University of Lancaster and the University of Leeds found in a joint study. The results published the physicians in the English-language journal "Journal of Biological Chemistry".

What causes Type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance, which occurs when people stop being sensitive to insulin. Being insensitive to insulin means that the pancreas must produce more and more insulin, which over time can destroy insulin-producing cells. Several studies have shown that tea improves insulin sensitivity as long as you do not add milk.

Black tea can also help prevent type 2 diabetes

Black and green tea can help maintain healthy blood pressure, and consumption can even lower the risk of certain types of cancer, experts say. In people who have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes, drinking tea can also help to prevent high blood sugar levels from developing. This also applies to black tea. About three to five cups of black tea per day counteract the development of type 2 diabetes, explain the doctors. But be careful when buying black tea, some brands contain pesticides. Some black tea is contaminated with carcinogenic substances.

These signs indicate type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a life-long disease that significantly affects your daily life. Patients may need to change their diet, take medications or conduct regular follow-up visits. Many people may have diabetes without even knowing about their condition, as some of the symptoms are not easily recognized. If you often feel very tired, often have an almost insatiable thirst, or suffer from a blurry vision, these could be warning signs of Type 2 diabetes. Talk to your doctor if you notice any similar symptoms or if you think you may be at increased risk for the condition. (As)