Green tea Mysterious and healthy

Green tea Mysterious and healthy / Health News

Healing effect of green tea barely explored


More than 100 evidence-based studies have already investigated the positive effects of green tea worldwide. So far, however, lacked "a unified result" of science studies such as Professor. Friedemann Paul, neurologist of the Berlin University Hospital Charité and co-organizer of the international conference "Tea and Health" in the Max-Delbrück-Center in Berlin. Used tea infusions or capsules are still not standardized and there are no explicit statements about the biological compatibility or necessary doses, as Paul added. However, by the end of 2012, the expert expects reliable study results of the effects of green tea in multiple sclerosis. A corresponding research is currently being conducted in the Charité.

Preventive medicinal drink against cancer, Alzheimer's and heart disease
Green tea has also been used in the western world for several years as a preventive remedy for various diseases. For example, scientists from the universities of Halle and Ulm are currently investigating possible preventive effects of green tea extracts against colorectal cancer in a long-term study. Green tea is considered the national beverage in Asia. Again and again, researchers are on the trail of the medicinal drink, because not only in natural medicine is green tea as a preventive and healing drink. It is believed that green tea has a positive influence on oxidative stress and thus can prevent diseases and even prevent them from erupting. In particular, the active ingredient epigallocatechingallate (EGCG) in the green tea Camellia sinensis has been shown in several studies to have positive health effects in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia, severe overweight (obesity), cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Further studies required
Experts recommend that you do not over-fry with boiling water, otherwise your effectiveness may be impaired. The optimal water temperature for dissolving the tea extracts is according to unanimous opinion between 60 and 80 degrees Celsius. "But we can not yet announce the one message," explained Prof. Friedemann Paul. The expert therefore called for further and large-scale study work in order to combine and compare already known factors. In this context, Paul criticized the pharmaceutical industry, which, due to the low financial prospects, has little interest in advancing further research. The pharmaceutical industry can hardly make a profit with green tea, which is why it is above all politics that is needed to finance studies, the neurologist warns.

Can green tea cure serious illnesses?
Asked whether green tea can cure multiple sclerosis (MS), Paul said: "We do not expect green tea to actually cure such a disease. But it may be possible to stop their progression or prevent the disease. " The good news that can already be announced is that the "effect of the so-called antioxidants, which haunts so many articles and minds, can be put on a solid scientific basis." Often the scientists do not even know how the polyphenols plant substances, which include EGCG, work exactly. "As far as we know today, EGCG probably has a favorable impact on oxidative stress," says Paul. In experiments it could be observed that EGCH could prevent the formation of certain fibrils in brain cells.

German Cancer Aid promotes research
In addition to the neurological department of the University Hospital, the German Cancer Aid also relies on further research into green tea. Especially for this purpose, the association has donated money for the study work mentioned above to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. In addition, the Cancer Aid supports numerous other green tea research projects, as individual aspects have long been arguing that regular tea consumption produces a risk reduction of individual cancers.

Green tea against overweight
Green tea extracts showed good results in the treatment of overweight patients. People who suffer from "moderate overweight and a disturbance in the energy metabolism or in the fat metabolism" can be sustainably helped by green tea. During a study, subjects lost weight, according to pharmacologist Michael Boschmann, who works at the MDC and Charité Experimental and Clinical Research Centers (ECRC). Obesity Patients, however, can not benefit from the effects. Here, the data is still too contradictory, says Boschmann. "In the next two to three years, however, there will be concrete results." Larger studies from the Far East can not be transferred to the western industrial nations. In Japan, not only green tea is drunk, as Paul said. "Humans also have a different genetic predisposition and feed differently - almost without milk, but with much more fish".

Drink green tea daily, but do not overdo it
Should all people now start to drink green tea in large quantities or swallow it in dosage form? The experts strongly advise against this. Excessive consumption can also lead to health problems. One to two liters of green tea per day can be consumed carefree. (Sb)

Also read:
Green tea for colorectal cancer screening
Do not brew green tea too hot
Wachmacher: Green tea has more caffeine than coffee