Gröhe warns of a quick cash change

Gröhe warns of a quick cash change / Health News

Minister of Health Hermann Gröhe warns against hasty cash change


At the beginning of the year, the general contribution rate of the statutory health insurance decreased by 0.9 percentage points. However, the funds can now charge an additional contribution. The vast majority of health insurance companies will make such an additional contribution. In this context, the Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) warned against one „rash change of health insurance“ warned. A good statutory health insurance can be seen „in terms of services and the price“, how gröhe in today's issues of the „image“ (Friday edition) stressed.

Contribution reform since the beginning of the year
Since the New Year, the health insurance itself can determine their contributions. At most, the regular contribution rate is set at 14.9 percent. This reduces the contribution in the course of the so-called contribution reform by 0.9 percent. Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) warns „a hasty change of the statutory health insurance“. Rather, one recognizes a cash register at the good services and the price. Be a cash register „For example, to achieve worse for demands, the better price is of no use“, said the minister.

Most funds charge an additional contribution
Big cash registers like the Techniker health insurance or also numerous AOK´have announced that they will levy a flat-rate additional contribution. However, this should not surpass the original contribution rate. The policy wants to allow the reform of greater competition between the coffers. Experts say that this should reduce the number of funds.

Gröhe also emphasized in the picture interview that he was in favor of the insured „greater competition in the statutory health insurance“. Around 20 million people will pay a lower contribution rate for now“, so great. About 70 million people are insured in Germany with the statutory health insurance. (Sb)

Picture: Tim Reckmann