Gröhe defends health insurance reform

Gröhe defends health insurance reform / Health News

Health Minister defends reform of health insurance


Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe has defended the reform for the statutory health insurance. In the coming year, millions of insured could expect lower contributions. But from 2016, the contributions could rise again.

Millions of insured could expect lower contributions
Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe has defended the planned financial reform for the statutory health insurance. According to a message from the news agency dpa, the CDU politician announced on Friday in advising the plans in the Bundestag that about 20 million members of the budget in 2015 could expect lower contributions than today. Currently, a contribution rate of 15.5 percent applies, of which 0.9 points of which alone pay the cashier members. This share should be canceled. In the future, the health insurances can take additional income-related contributions.

Health economists expect starting in 2016 with rising rates
Harald Weinberg, health expert of the "Die Linke" faction, warned that it would be more expensive for the insured in the medium term. Also health economists and other experts expect from 2016 with rising rates. Since the circle of statutory health insurance (GKV) could only determine the average additional contribution rate for the coming year in October of this year, forecasts of the financial development in statutory health insurance can not yet be made with certainty. (Ad)