Major measles outbreak in Berlin

Major measles outbreak in Berlin / Health News

Berlin measles outbreak points to gaps in vaccination


Berlin currently has the largest measles outbreak in years. „Since October 2014, more than 370 cases of measles have been transmitted from all districts of Berlin (as of: 28. January 2015)“, reports the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The goal of eliminating measles in Germany in 2015 has thus clearly failed. Lack of vaccine protection or gaps in immunization are according to the RKI cause for the current measles outbreak.

According to the Berlin State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGeSo), a total of 375 measles diseases were reported from all Berlin districts of Berlin until 28 January. Since the 41st reporting week 2014, the current measles outbreak has already started and the number of new cases is still rising, according to the RKI. In the fourth reporting week 2015 alone, 82 new cases were submitted to the Berlin office for health and social affairs. This was „the highest number for Berlin since the entry into force of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG)“, so the official message.

Even adults affected by the measles outbreak are often affected
First, the current measles outbreak spread, according to the authorities, especially „among asylum seekers, most of whom came from Bosnia and Herzegovina or Serbia.“ Among the infected were mainly children. However, the measles outbreak then expanded quickly and are now, according to the Berlin State Office for Health and Social Affairs „Disease cases predominantly in the rest of Berlin's population“ especially those born after 1970 are frequently affected. This is due to known large implants in this age group. The average age of the infected was 22 years.

Elimination of measles in 2015 unattainable
According to the LAGeSo, it is also clear from the transmitted data that 89 percent of those infected were not vaccinated. Of the 375 patients, 104 had to be treated in the hospital. Actually, according to plans of the Federal Government this year, a maximum of 82 measles diseases should have occurred, reports the news agency „dpa“. But the numbers alone in Berlin reach this height already in January. The commitment to eliminate measles in 2015 to the World Health Organization (WHO) is therefore no longer achievable. Nevertheless, improvements are noticeable, reports the „dpa“. Thus, the vaccination rate has improved significantly in children since 2000 and reach today at the first vaccination 96.7 percent and the second spades 92.4 percent.

Vaccination status too low
Nevertheless, the vaccination status in the population as a whole remains too low, quotes the „dpa“ Acting Head of the Department of Vaccination Prevention at RKI, Anette Siedler. The current outbreak makes the existing pickles very clear and means a major setback on the way to the elimination of measles. The speaker of the professional association of the pediatricians, Ulrich Fegeler, was little surprised about the current measles outbreak and explained to the „dpa“, that politics just does not do enough here. In his opinion, it would be helpful if all public institutions, from kindergarten to school, demand proof of vaccination before admitting a child, reports the news agency „dpa“.

Impfzwang the wrong way
A Impfzwang, as he has already been brought in by various sides in the conversation, Anette Siedler holds according to the announcement of „dpa“ for the wrong way. Thus, the mandatory vaccination records at schools in the US have brought little. The current measles outbreak in the United States, which is largely driven by Disneyland in California, is also being associated with inadequate vaccination quotas by the local health authorities. In the US, measles has actually been eliminated since 2000. In Germany, this goal has not yet been achieved and, according to the experts, it would need vaccination rates of more than 95 percent.

Do not take measles lightly
To achieve this settler sets according to the „dpa“ on information and conviction, not on coercion. „Measles should not be taken lightly, neither in adults nor in children“, The news agency cites the expert's warning. In any case, the benefit of immunization outweighs the risk. Although reddening, swelling, fever and a mild skin rash are observed as side effects in individual cases, this is not a comparison to the effects of measles disease. „This outbreak is like an appeal to catch up on vaccinations now ... Because the virus does not care who they meet. It's like Russian roulette“, quotes the „dpa“ the expert of the RKI. Ulrich Fegeler emphasized that his „In the opinion of everyone it is a duty of responsibility to provide adequate vaccination.“ (Fp)

Picture: hamma