Bigger breakthrough in irritable bowel syndrome

Bigger breakthrough in irritable bowel syndrome / Health News
Irritable bowel syndrome consists of several diseases
Researchers found that the global understanding and treatment pathways for so-called irritable bowel syndrome need to be reconsidered. Irritable bowel syndrome is not just a single disease, as previously thought, but in reality, irritable bowel syndrome is made up of several different diseases.

The researchers from the University of Newcastle found in their current study that the current understanding of irritable bowel syndrome does not correspond to reality. The symptoms are not just a single disease, but rather a combination of multiple diseases. The physicians have published their findings in the "New England Journal of Medicine" and summarized the key findings in a press release.

Irritable bowel syndrome can be painful and extremely uncomfortable for those affected. So far, doctors assumed that it is a single disease. But researchers now found that irritable bowel syndrome can consist of many different diseases. (Image: photophonie /

Irritable bowel syndrome is not a single disease
The so-called irritable bowel syndrome is not a single disease. Physicians should be aware of this to initiate individualized treatment for each patient. There is still a strong tendency at present to treat the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome as a single disorder, say the experts. Irritable bowel syndrome, however, is an incredibly complex condition that varies from case to case, explains Professor Nick Talley of the University of Newcastle. Therefore, the disorder must be treated as several different diseases.

Which triggers does irritable bowel syndrome have??
The research team worked with his study to identify the different causes of irritable bowel syndrome. For example, the trigger may include intolerance to certain foods, intestinal inflammation, specific bacteria in the colon, mental disorders and even a specific gene, the expert adds.

Influence of the intestine on the brain is often misunderstood
Professor Talley is world famous for his work, which examined the brain's effect on the gut. This connection is widely accepted. The influence of the intestine on the brain is still misunderstood by many people. Only recently have we begun to understand the complex nature of this relationship, the expert explains.

Diseases of the gut can affect brain functions
Our research has shown that many signals reach the brain from the gut, as well as from the brain to the gut, says the doctor. In fact, the results of the current study show that some patients with irritable bowel syndrome first contract the gut, leading to brain dysfunction, which then manifests as fears, the researcher adds.

Ignorance of irritable bowel syndrome needs to be reduced
The new findings are the key to better identifying and managing the disorder, explain the authors. It should also be emphasized especially the lack of understanding, which currently exists on the irritable bowel syndrome. The current study is helping to reduce ignorance about irritable bowel syndrome.

Further research is needed
Hopefully, understanding the complexity of the bowel-to-brain relationship will improve understanding of the irritable bowel syndrome in the future. "The new publication is an important step, but there is much more work to do," adds Professor Talley. (As)