Greenpeace pesticides in table grapes

Greenpeace pesticides in table grapes / Health News

Greenpeace study reveals decline in pesticide exposure in table grapes


Greenpeace re-examined the pesticide contamination of table grapes and found that the fruit has significantly less toxin residue than last year. For the grapes from the European Union (EU), none of the samples showed that the maximum permitted levels were exceeded, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Greenpeace has examined 40 table grapes from leading supermarket chains (Aldi, Edeka, Kaufland, Lidl, Metro, REWE and Kaiser's Tengelmann) for 500 different residues. They found in individual samples up to eleven different pesticides, but the legal limits were observed in all table grapes. Nevertheless, it remains „for the manufacturers still a lot to do“, emphasized the Greenpeace agriculture expert Christiane Huxdorff.

Egyptian table grapes most heavily contaminated with pesticides
The analysis by „a laboratory certified for the investigation of pesticide residues in food“ showed that the maximum permitted by law in all table grapes samples was complied with, according to Greenpeace. The fruits were thus burdened much less than in previous years. However, the grapes from Europe, Egypt and Turkey still showed multiple burdens, with „Total Egyptian grapes are most affected by residues“ were, reports the environmental protection organization. In addition, eleven different pesticides had been detected in a table-grape sample from Turkey. Here, according to the statement of the agricultural expert Christiane Huxdorff clear need for action, because „up to eleven different active ingredients in one grape are too much.“

Combination of several different pesticides harmful to health
Although the proven levels of pesticides in table grapes were low, „From a scientific point of view, it is of particular concern that several pesticides are used“, so the Greenpeace message. According to the environmental protection organization, producers use several different pesticides, among others, „not to exceed the maximum quantity for a single substance.“ Therefore, table grape samples with residues of several pesticides from Greenpeace were considered „not recommended“ rated. On the whole, however, there is a thoroughly positive trend towards fewer exceedances of the statutory maximum amounts.

Organic grapes also contain some pesticides
Greenpeace also reviewed the pesticide contamination of organic grapes in the current study, detecting low pesticide residues in two out of six samples. However, the pesticide content in conventional grapes tends to be significantly higher than for organic fruits ... „In order to prevent pesticides as much as possible, the consumer has no choice but to grab the bioregal when purchasing table grapes ", although a burden is not completely excluded, explained Christiane Huxdorff. (Fp)

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Image: Daniel Race