Greenpeace fruits and vegetables with pesticides

Greenpeace fruits and vegetables with pesticides / Health News

Fruit and vegetables sold in Germany are heavily contaminated with pesticides, according to a study


Fruit and vegetables in this country are very heavily contaminated with residues of pesticides, as a study by the environmental organization Greenpeace revealed. Pollution pollution is particularly high when vegetables and fruit are grown outside the European Union (EU).

On behalf of Greenpeace, food experts have examined samples from around 22,000 fruits and vegetables, the data from the years 2009 and 2010 come. The data comes from the German food control and was re-evaluated by the commissioned food experts. In addition, results from pollutant investigations of the environmental protection organization were consulted. The end result was that more than 80 percent of conventionally grown fruit and more than 55 percent of non-organic vegetable samples contained pesticides. In the tests mostly goods from Germany performed relatively well compared to other countries of origin. Overall, EU fruit and vegetable samples were less affected than fresh foods from non-EU countries such as Turkey.

Particularly heavy burden: fruit from Turkey
Table grapes, peppers, pears, zucchini and grapefruit, which were produced in Turkey, often exceeded the pesticide limits valid in the EU. A particularly high pollution from pesticides showed exotic fruits such as okra and fresh chili peppers from India and Thailand. Lettuce from the producing countries of Italy, Holland and Belgium was also heavily burdened. For years, Greenpeace denounced the burdens in lettuce. Back in 2010, experts noted high levels of arrears. To this day, not much has changed.

Harmful consequences of pesticides
Pesticides disturb the body's hormonal balance and can damage the human immune system. The result: cancerous tumors and damage to the nervous system. "Those who want to avoid pesticides in the food, should therefore choose organic goods or pay attention to the country of origin of fruits and vegetables," said Manfred Santen, chemical expert from Greenpeace. Almost a third of the vegetables and fruits examined were so heavily contaminated that they were consumed according to the environmental group „not recommended“ be.

Chemical cocktails in fruits and vegetables
In the 22,481 samples a total of 351 different substances were detected. Many vegetable and fruit products had a variety of chemicals. For example, the experts found a whole chemical cocktail containing 24 pesticides in table grapes. Some research by respected scientists suggests that different pollutants can potentiate and therefore amplify. „This happens even at low concentrations“, so the researchers. Greenpeace criticizes in this context that pesticides within the EU „only be evaluated individually“. Border guidelines for pesticide cocktails in food do not exist. "In fruit and vegetable cultivation, a wide range of pesticides can legally be sprayed," says Santen. "Greenpeace calls on Federal Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) to better protect consumers and the environment from pesticide cocktails."

The environmentalists have developed in 2012 an updated rating system that strictly adheres to the precautionary principle. According to Greenpeace experts, the current pesticide limits are insufficient to: „Protect particularly vulnerable groups such as infants, pregnant women and the sick enough from agricultural poisons.“ The maximum level of pesticides in the EU was exceeded in fruit in 3.1% and in vegetables in 4.8% of cases, as Greenpeace on the occasion of the publication of a new food guide „Food without pesticides“ explained.

Farmers use chemical mixtures to meet guidelines
Through the use of highly toxic pesticides, the pesticides get into the vegetable and fruit products. In 2010, the pesticide limits for 11 chemicals were lowered across the EU. Affected were e.g. Peppers, cucumbers and grapes. Since 2005, the maximum levels have been regulated by the European Regulation entitled "EU Maximum Residue Levels for Pesticides in Foodstuffs". The proven combination effect through the use of several pesticides still finds no echo in the regulation. Background: Conventional farms use several different pesticides with different pollutants, so as not to exceed the maximum levels for individual substances. As a result, the food is contaminated with numerous chemical substances. (Sb)

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Picture: Siepmann H.