Grapefruit offer a lot of protection against heart disease

Grapefruit offer a lot of protection against heart disease / Health News
Positive effect of grapefruit on the cardiovascular system
Grapefruits have a protective effect on heart disease, according to a recent study by a French research team led by Véronique Habauzit of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). The scientists found that regular consumption of grapefruit juice in middle-aged women is beneficial to the blood vessels and thus protects against heart disease.

Citrus fruits are believed to have many beneficial health properties, but clinical data on the effects of grapefruit on cardiovascular function have so far been lacking, the French researchers report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In their study, the researchers therefore examined how the regular consumption of grapefruit juice affects the vascular functions in healthy postmenopausal women. In particular, the elasticity of the blood vessels thus benefits from the contained flavonoids of grapefruit.

The contained flavonoids of grapefruit have a very positive effect on the blood vessels. (Image: fastudio4 /

340 milliliters of grapefruit juice a day
In the study, researchers examined the effects of grapefruit juice consumption on vascular function in 48 healthy women aged between 50 and 65 years. Over a period of six months, half of the subjects received 340 milliliters of grapefruit juice daily, while the other participants took a control drink without flavonoids. The effect on the blood vessels was evaluated on the basis of "endothelial function in the brachial artery." The blood pressure, vascular elasticity and biomarkers for inflammatory processes were also taken into account.

Grapefruit with a very positive effect
According to the researchers, the vessel elasticity was significantly improved in the participants after the consumption of the grapefruit juice compared to the women from the control group. Regular consumption of grapefruit juice is clearly beneficial for the blood vessels in middle-aged women, which is due to the flavanoids it contains, write Habauzit and colleagues. Also, other parameters such as blood pressure, glucose metabolism and biomarkers for inflammatory processes would have changed positively by taking the grapefruit juice. Overall, therefore, from the point of view of cardiovascular health speaks much for a significantly increased grapefruit consumption. However, it should be noted that citrus fruits such as grapefruit or oranges may increase the risk of skin cancer, according to a recent study.

Consider increased skin cancer risk
Brown University researchers in Rhode Island, USA, found that people who consumed grapefruit or orange juice had significantly increased skin cancer risk. According to the researchers, this is due to the substances contained, such as psoralens, which make the skin more sensitive to the sun's rays. As a result, sunburn is more likely to develop and the likelihood of skin cancer is increased. Anyone who consumes many citrus fruits should therefore be very cautious in the sun, according to the scientists. Additional protective measures are certainly appropriate here in order to profit from the health benefits of citrus fruits and at the same time not to favor the development of skin cancer. (Fp)