Grapefruit Natural slimming product with pitfalls

Grapefruit Natural slimming product with pitfalls / Health News

Effect controversial; New study shows what the grapefruit really can


Fans of fat-rich foods who would like to stay slim may look forward to the results of the study, in which scientists from the University of California are studying the effects of grapefruit on lipid metabolism. It has long been suspected that grapefruit has positive effects on weight loss. Numerous diets take this assumption into account. However, there have scarcely been any scientific studies to date. That has now changed through the study of the University of California.

This latest work was funded by the California Grapefruit Growers Cooperative. The researchers at UC Berkeley emphasized that the donors had no control or influence on the study design and the research results. Both Stahl and Napoli said they were skeptical about this research. "I was surprised by the results," said Stahl, Associate Professor of Nutrition Science and Toxicology. "We checked the calibration of our glucose sensors over and over again, and we got the same results over and over again."

Napoli added to the university's news center that "we see all sorts of diet scams, but these, based on controlled experimentation, justify further research into the potential health benefits of grapefruit juice.“

As the courier reports, test animals that drank grapefruit juice consumed significantly less weight than animals that drank only water. The animals had been fed at the same time with very high-fat food. In addition, her blood sugar and insulin levels were better than those of her conspecifics. These results also confirm studies of Vanderbilt University Tennessee with humans. In weight loss, the effects of grapefruit were still very similar to those of water. However, the grapefruit consumers had better blood levels. Such was the mirror of „good“ Cholesterol HDL of these study participants significantly higher. In addition, the bitter substances of grapefruit, such as those of citrus fruits in general, build the „bad“ Cholesterol LDL decreases.

In addition, the Grapefruit in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is awarded a digestive effect. In addition, a single grapefruit covers the entire daily vitamin C requirement of a human. At the same time, grapefruit have a very low calorie content due to the high water content of the fruit. In addition, grapefruit contains not only vitamin C but also vitamin A, B1, B2 and B6, as well as the minerals magnesium, potassium and calcium. In addition, they can prevent diabetes mellitus by lowering the blood sugar level and thus reducing the body's insulin production.

Interactions with drugs
However, the grapefruit also has a negative side. It can potentiate the effects of medications such as antidepressants, cardiac drugs, antibiotics, immunosuppressants, analgesics, antihypertensives, anticancer drugs and the anti-baby pill. The amount of active ingredient of certain cholesterol-lowering agents increases, e.g. up to 16 times the normal value, if eaten to grapefruit or the juice drunk.
The result can be a massive breakdown of the muscles with pain, dizziness and weakness.
In addition, there may be interactions with Viagra. The cause of these interactions are the ingredients of grapefruit naringin and bergamotine. They ensure that a certain enzyme in the liver and thereby the breakdown of certain active substances is blocked, says the courier. This can lead to a higher concentration of drug in the blood, which increases the effects and side effects of the drugs. Therefore, you should refrain from taking regular medication with grapefruit.

Healing power of grapefruit seed extract controversial
Other healing powers are attributed to the kernels of the fruit, they should have antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal effects. However, this effect is not supported by scientific studies, of which there are hardly any, according to the courier. Grapefruit should also have a positive effect on the appearance of the skin, regardless of whether it is eaten, eaten or topically applied. Grapefruit is at home in almost all subtropical countries. It is the result of a cross between orange and grapefruit and comes in different shades from bright yellow to dark red. (Jp)

Picture: Joujou