Cheap sun creams for testing at the best

Cheap sun creams for testing at the best / Health News

With sun creams cheap products cut well: Cheap sunscreens are best


76 cents or over 18 euros for 100 milliliters sunscreen? The amount of the price says nothing about the quality, according to an investigation of the Stiftung Warentest.

Convincing products from discounters and drugstore chains
For many consumers, the motto is that quality has its price. For sun creams, the principle does not seem to apply. The Stiftung Warentest came in a recent study to the conclusion that convinced especially products from discounters and drugstore chains. 19 sunscreens were tested with „middle“ Sunscreen (sun protection factor 15, 20 and 25), which cost between 76 cents and 18.30 euros per hundred milliliters. 17 of the products tested scored the mark „Well“ from. It turns out that the best ones are among the cheapest. The winners are Ombra Sun Care (SPF 15) from Aldi Nord (1.6), Ombia Sun (SPF 20) from Aldi Süd (1.6), Elkos Sun (SPF 20) from Edeka (1.6) and Sunozon ( LSF 20) from Rossmann (1,6). For these four preparations, prices were between 76 and 88 cents per 100 milliliters. In comparison, the 100-milliliter price of sunscreen Sun Beauty Silky Milk from Lancaster is 17.10 euros.

Protection against UV radiation almost good at all
With the exception of two products, the most important criterion, the protection against UVA and UVB radiation, was rated equally well. In terms of skin compatibility, the testers had nothing to complain about. For some products, the testers had other advantages such as adding moisture to the skin, not dripping liquid from the bottle at a temperature of 40 degrees, or having clear instructions for use. Also at these points it was above all the cheap means that performed well.

Do not save on creaming
Although the principle does not apply to all cosmetics, but applies to suncreams: "Much helps a lot." For adults, the selection of suitable sunscreen depends largely on the skin type. For example, fair-skinned people with red hair must choose a significantly higher sun protection factor (SPF 50 recommended) than dark-skinned people with brown eyes. According to Stiftung Warentest, around three tablespoons of suntan lotion are expected for the whole body. To be on the safe side, you should also apply cream after bathing. On sunny days, a lot of sunscreen comes together, which is another argument for the price advantage of discount products. Because with the high prices for the precious cosmetics only little would remain for the vacation fund. It would be quite wrong to save on creaming, because studies have shown that too thinly applied sunscreen increases the risk of skin damage to skin cancer.

Similar results in Austria
Sunscreen was also examined in Austria. The consumer magazine „consumer“ After 16 tested products also came to the conviction that good sun protection does not have to be expensive. Just like the German colleagues, they criticized Lavozon's oil spray, which undercut the promised sun protection factor by more than 30 percent. „Here, a sunburn threatens much sooner than would be expected after the announcement ", so the testers. (Ad)

Picture: Nimkenja