Geese flower against itching in mosquito bites

Geese flower against itching in mosquito bites / Health News

Naturopathy: Goose flower, ribwort leaves and onion help against unpleasant itching in mosquito bites


On balmy summer nights, it attracts many people outdoors. Unfortunately, the pleasant weather is also very popular with mosquitoes. Those who do not protect themselves are in some places quickly dotted with annoying, itchy mosquito bites. In conversation with the news agency „dpa“ explains the general practitioner Peter Emmrich, Vice President of the German Naturopaths, which funds from natural medicine provide relief.

Mosquito bites can be very uncomfortable
The skin may swell and redden after a mosquito bite around the puncture site if the mosquito has previously been sitting on grasses that have been treated with sprays. The reaction surface can have a diameter of up to 20 centimeters. In some people mosquito bites also swell very much due to an allergic reaction to the proteins in the mosquito saliva and become large, itchy Hautquaddeln. Concerned people can hardly sleep at night and complain about a reduced efficiency during the day. However, a mosquito allergy is in most cases not as dangerous as other insect sting allergies, for example to wasp venom, in which, in the worst case, those affected can be put into a life-threatening condition. If the symptoms after a mosquito bite very strong or symptoms such as fever, circulatory weakness or respiratory distress occur, however, a doctor should be consulted.

Naturopathy with mosquito bites
As the expert explains, there are numerous plants in natural medicine, with the unpleasant itching in mosquito bites can be alleviated or even stopped. Emmerich recommends treating swollen mosquito bites with an onion dressing. For this, a thick slice or half an onion bulb is fixed with a cloth on the puncture site. „The sulfur in the onion juice has a disinfecting and antibacterial effect“, said the general practitioner. At the same time, care for the onion for cooling and soothing the irritated skin area. After onion treatment, the skin should be rubbed with calendula cream (calendula).

But the soothing mosquito bites help also Spitzwegerichblätter. They are similar to the onion placed on the affected skin and fixed with a cloth. The ribwort is based on the skin. „I would leave her for two hours already“, advises Emmerich. The juice of squeezed daisies with leaves and stems or the gel from the inside of an aloe vera stalk can relieve the discomfort.

Envelope with brandy relieves itching in case of mosquito bites
Last but not least, Emmerich has a home remedy for mosquito bites: a schnapps envelope. A cloth is soaked in high percentage clear and then wrapped around the swelling. „The evaporative coldness of the alcohol pulls out the heat and soothes the skin“, Thereafter, the skin should be cared for with an oil, since the alcohol is very dry.

Anyone who wants to prevent mosquito bites in advance should wear bright body-covering clothing, as mosquitoes are attracted to colorful clothing as well as sweat and lactic acid bacteria. A mosquito repellent, which is distributed on the body nationwide, can also keep the mosquitoes off. In the garden or on the balcony act „Citronella candles“ deterring to the little bloodsuckers. (Ag)

Image: Petra Hegewald