Happiness hormone dopamine helps to remember memory

Happiness hormone dopamine helps to remember memory / Health News

The happiness hormone dopamine helps the memory to store memories better


A joint research work by the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn and the University of Magdeburg has found out for the first time that the so-called happiness hormone dopamine manifests memories more efficiently in the human brain. The study could provide important therapeutic approaches in Alzheimer's research.

Activation of the hippocampus is required to encode memories for new events. Apparently, the hormone dopamine helps to maintain memories of long-term memory better. The results of a German research team from Bonn and Magdeburg can help to better understand diseases such as Alzheimer's in the future. It is known, for example, that Parkinson's is a dopamine deficiency.

Study contributes to a better understanding of Alzheimer's
The scientific study has now shown for the first time that dopamine acts in the area of ​​long-term memory that is responsible for personal memories with their own participation. "Episodic memory, by the way, is the part of our memory that is first affected by Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, our results also contribute to a better understanding of this disease ", explained Prof. Dr. med. Emrah Düzel from the Institute for Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research at the University of Magdeburg.

Better results through artificial dopamine increase
An investigation involved women and men aged 65 to 75 years. One half of the subjects were given a precursor substance of dopamine intravenously. The other participants received a placebo as comparison group. In this way, the researchers were able to specifically increase the level of dopamine in the brain - especially since its level is low in people of advanced age by nature and many older people suffer from poor memory. "The nerve cells that produce dopamine go back with age," says Düzel. "If the dopamine concentration is artificially increased, a clear effect should occur. Especially with older people. "For the decision to carry out the study with seniors, the neuroscientist calls another reason:" In old age, the episodic memory decreases. That's why the topic we're studying is particularly relevant to the elderly. "

Subsequently, the researchers conducted a memory test with all participants. The subjects performed significantly better with the hormone preparation than the comparison group, which only took a sham. According to the researchers, the "presumption is confirmed that dopamine help to permanently store memories," said neuroscientist Emrah Düzel. Dopamine will "improve the chance of survival of memory content".

The studies could also provide new knowledge about the formation of memory, say the scientists. In addition, it can now be seen why memories fade in the course of Alzheimer's disease. For this reason, the results are very important because they contribute to a better understanding of Alzheimer's, as the authors write in the journal "Journal of Neuroscience".

Happiness hormone dopamine
Dopamine is a body-produced messenger that mediates information between the nerve cells and between muscle and nerve cells. If the transmission is disturbed, the health consequences for the patient can be very pronounced. For example, Parkinson's patients suffer from the typical tremor, as there is a significant hormone deficiency. When people are emotionally motivated and balanced, dopamine is released in high doses. For this reason, the hormone is also called "happiness hormone" in the vernacular. (Sb)

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Image: Dieter Schütz